Predict treatment efficacy like never before Know before you treat with terbinafine. Terbinafine resistance is on the rise globally and may occur in patients with dermatophytic fungi carrying specific mutations (primarily T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes). To date, scientific research has identified 12 such genetic mutations that may confer terbinafine resistance. New insights, only from BakoDx Terbinafine Resistance PCR Test * Eliminate terbinafine " watchful waiting " period Avoid unnecessary medications & potential side effects Increase treatment efficacy & patient satisfaction Bako Diagnostics | 855-422-5628 | *Available only as part of the Onychodystrophy PCR Test; Terbinafine resistance currently unavailable in NY. Gupta, A.K., Renaud, H.J., Quinlan, E.M. et al. The Growing Problem of Antifungal Resistance in Onychomycosis and Other Superficial Mycoses. Am J Clin Dermatol 22, 149-157 (2021).