SATURDAY A new session dubbed " How Would I Approach This? " brought together a panel of experts to share their personal perspectives on interesting cases. The meeting played host to the annual Team APMA 5K Run/Walk to benefit the APMA Educational Foundation. Led by the APMA Young Physician Leadership Panel, the Emerging Leaders Program is a leadership-intensive program designed to support an exclusive group of young physicians with a vested interest in future leadership opportunities. The Podiatry School Student Quiz Bowl saw Treloara Harrisson from the New York College of Podiatric Medicine emerge victorious after the first-ever all-female final round. " The Emerging Leaders Program is in its inaugural year and truly is in continuous growth and remodeling. " -Rebecca Sundling, DPM, MPH, APMA Young Physician Leadership Panel chair and Young Physician Member of the Board of Trustees APMA.ORG apmanews 21http://www.APMA.ORG