APMAPAC chair A Season of Gratitude and Action: Thank You for Your Support of APMAPAC By Randy K. Kaplan, DPM In this season of giving, it's a perfect time to reflect on the importance of generosity-not only in our personal lives but also in our professional lives. We are reminded that giving comes in many forms, whether it's volunteering for your association, helping out at a conference, or writing and making calls to our members of Congress to ensure that our voices are heard to benefit our profession and our patients. This spirit of giving is at the heart of what our supporters, as loyal and dedicated APMAPAC contributors, do every year. Their unwavering support is the lifeblood of our collective efforts to advocate for policies that serve to protect and defend our patients' right to quality foot and ankle care and our profession's future. In short, support for APMAPAC makes a difference now and for the future. Our PAC is a powerful force in shaping the ever-changing health-care environment. Political action is now more important than ever. The decisions made by our elected officials have far-reaching consequences related to access to high-quality health care and the quality Corporate Donations Personal Donations Show your support today! Scan the QR codes with your smartphone to send us your APMAPAC donation! 26 apmanews NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2024http://apma.aristotle.com/SitePages/pacpage1.aspx http://apma.aristotle.com/SitePages/pppage1.aspx