APMA'S GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE You are familiar with the APMA Board of Trustees and are aware of the various APMA committees, but do you know what role the APMA House of Delegates plays? Are you interested in serving as a delegate for your state component but don't understand how that fits into the big picture of APMA and subsequently the profession? APMA's governance structure is comprised of members at every level and understanding the role of each layer is critical to the overall growth and progress of the profession. House of Delegates Board of Trustees The House of Delegates (HOD) is made up of delegates from each component that meet as a group, once a year in March at the APMA House of Delegates meeting in Washington, DC. Their function is to provide direction to APMA. The HOD is responsible for approving APMA's annual budgetary expenditures and electing APMA's Board of Trustees, including the fullvoting Young Physician member of the board. The Board of Trustees is made up of 13 members who meet throughout the year in order to implement the strategic plan of the association, at the direction of the House of Delegates. Committees Committees are comprised of member volunteers who work to complete specific objectives directly stemming from APMA's House of Delegates and/or APMA's strategic plan. Committees are appointed by the president at the beginning of his or her term. APMA Membership YOU! Components The components work in conjunction with APMA to support and serve members. The number of members the component has determines the number of delegates it has in the House of Delegates. APMA members must be a member of their component. For more information, visit apma.org/governancehttp://www.apma.org/governance