ARCHAEOLOGY 7o Some200 miles north of Tiahuanaco and IN NORTH OFLAKETITICACA SOME 60 MILES Peru is Pukara, another center of monoOF ANDCONSTRUCTIONS LITHICSCULPTURE PHOTODRESSED STONE.THE ACCOMPANYING EXAMPLE THE FINEST OF REPRESENTS GRAPH Pukara sculpture. The attributes of the THE FROM DISTINCT DEITY ARENOTCLEARLY PUMAS OFTlAHUANACO. ANTHROPOMORPHIZED There is no doubt here about the sinister PURPOSE FORWHICHTHESACRIFICIAL KNIFE, IN THE RIGHTHAND,IS INTENDED. GRASPED BETWEEN SIMILARITY STRIKING FORA RATHER AND THEUNIQUE COMPARE THESE TWOSITES, OF OFTHEFINGERS POSITION IMPOSSIBLE INDEED WITHEL THERIGHTHANDOF THISFIGURE Fraile's. Photo Guillenj Lima