HEKAIB THE OF DEIFIED GOVERNOR ELEPHANTINE By Labib Habachi * Bornat Mansurah,LowerEgypt,in 1906,the authortookhis degreein Egyptologyin 1928at CairoUniversity.He servedas Inspectorin the AntiquitiesDepartmentuntil 1944 when he was promotedto Chief Inspector.He has beenin chargeof excavationsin the Delta, in the Fayum,at Luxorand at Aswan, and has been responsiblefor manyan importantdiscovery.Dr. Habachicontributesnumerousarticlesto scholarlyjournalsand now has two booksin press: Excavationsat Tell Bastaand The Templeof Hekaibat Elephantine. 1. View of the southernpart of the island of Elephantine.To the right is the gardenof the AswanMuseumwith Hekaib's temple at the back (not visible in the picture); to the left are the ruins of the old town. 8