1. A cremationburial of the early fifth centuryb.c., in the South Necropolisat Samothrace.The vesselcontainingthe ashes was set into the wine amphorathrough its broken side. Next to the largejar was placeda black-figureolpe (jug). The burial pit was roughlylined with large stones. NECROPOLIS continued 2. Left: A black-figurepelike, ca. 510 B.c., by the EucharidesPainter,used as a containerfor the ashesof a cremationburial in the SouthNecropolis.The painted panel showsHermesin the unusualrole of flautistmaking music for a large and rather ribald goat which dancesbeforehim. Behindthe god standsa satyr holding a wineskin.Height 13 inches. 3. Right: A red-figureamphora,ca. 470 B.c.,by an unidentifiedpainter, servedas the receptaclefor ashes in the burial illustratedin Figure 1, where its mouth and one handleare visible.Height13!/2inches. 164