EXCAVATIONS AT CEOS BY JOHN L. CASKEY OF CINCINNATI UNIVERSITY The adyton of the templeat Ayia Irini, on the island of Ceos. Successivefloor levels may be seen above the fragmentaryterracottastatues. Above:Torso of terracottastatue wearing Minoan dress, from adyton of temple. Below: One of the terracotta statues from the temple.The body was found on the original floor, the head (with headdressmissing) in the later shrine of Dionysos.It is here partially reconstructed.Preservedheight0.99 m. A closer view of the brokenterracottastatuesof goddesses or their attendants,found on the floor of the adyton,the most sacredpart of the temple. Left: Fragmentof Mycenaeanstirrup-jarfound in temple,showing a procession.Above: Fragmentof wine jar from a room in the settlementat AyiaIrini, with graffitoin LinearA characters. 284