16. Ceramicbowl from MonteAlto.Thin-walled,orangeware ("cloudedUsulutan") incisedand burnishedin zones,with punctateimpressionsin the unburnishedzones. Ulis type belongs in a transitional Middle to Late Pre-Classicperiod, perhaps 600-300B.c.Height 3Ysin. Girón Collection,Guatemala. 17. Small ceramic heads found at Monte Alto. At left a whistle fragment broken off a jar; at right a figurine head with eyes formed by double-trianglepunch technique,with a central punch for the pupils. Probablysameperiod as bowl in Figure 16. 18. Three-quarterview of Sculpture 1 (right), Sin Cabezas (Tiquisate). The cross-leggedfigure is naked except for a belt. The posture and rounded sculptural quality of this PacificCoast stone carving is pure Olmec. Preservedheight òVi ft. Photo courtesyPeabodyMuseum,Harvard University. 142