Statuette of silver with details in gold. From Hasanoglan, third millennium b.c. This female figure is from a stage in which an attempt is made to show nude figures in the round instead of in idol form. The spontaneity of Neolithic art is gone; Mesopotamian or Syrian influence may be detected. Height 9Vs inches. Lion Rhyton (above) of red-polished ware. From Kültepe, twentieth-nineteenth century b.c. This drinking vessel in the form of a roaring lion comes from Level II of the Karum, the commercial establishment set up by Assyrian merchants. Libation vessels in animal form with tubular spouts on the back and pouring holes in the muzzle are common at Kültepe, perhaps in continuation of a much earlier Mesopotamian tradition. The style of this vessel is strictly Anatolian. Height 8 inches. 193