Marble Sculptures said to come from Antioch. Early fourth century a.D. Shown are six of a group of eleven sculptures found together and thought to belong to a tomb. The kind of marble, the patina and the incrustations are identical on all the pieces. The two busts presumably represent the owners of the tomb; the other pieces may have been decorations for the tomb or may have belonged to another structure. Illustrated here are four sculptures depicting episodes in the life of Jonah. In the first, he is being swallowed by the whale (height 20"/]« inches); in the second, he is emerging from the whale's mouth (height 16 inches); in the third, he is seen lying beneath the gourd vine (height 12% inches); in the fourth he is praying (height 18Vi inches). Another sculpture (not illustrated) is a figure of the Good Shepherd (height 19% inches). John L. Severance Fund. 281