Cahokia: the central burial of the primary mound at the eastern end of Mound 72 in Cahokia Mounds State Park. With him are several retainers and he is lying on a blanket of over 12,000 shell beads. This burial is a good example of the "elite" who were ruling at Cahokia. Photograph courtesy of Dr. Melvin L. Fowler, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 194 urbani s m continued on surplus capital formation comes from Data two sources. First, the tremendous labor investment in mound construction. Fowler estimates there were around one hundred at Cahokia alone, including of course the famous Monks Mound which is the third largest pyramid in the New World. This would also include the special houses of the elite and temples as well as the erection of the woodhenges. The second source of evidence is the control over resources suggested by the elite burials. The best known is at Kolomoki Mound D while Mound 72 at Cahokia is probably the latest. In both cases not only were there elaborate grave goods and time-consuming mound building, but there were large numbers of retainers sacrificed, especially women. The evidence for monumental public works lies with the mounds themselves. Although the buildings upon them were undoubtedly scaled to