Two vasesfrom cremationpit xx. (Left) Protoattic high-standedbowl; (right) Protocorinthianpyxis. it is missingsome fragments. It stands 0.31 meters high and the clay is pale yellowish.In the evolutionof Protocorinthian painting, this vase occupiesan exceptionalposition;a combinationof geometric (meanders and lozengers) and oriental (rays and rosettes) patterns decoratesthe neck and handle. The belly is divided into two friezes,the lower of which depicts a hare hunt; the upper, broader friezerepresentsa fight between centaurs and lions. The vase belongsto the Middle ProtocorinthianII periodand dates around 660 b.c. The excavationwill soonbe published in detail. Further investigationin this area to the north of the Long Walls is very much needed and it would be of great help if we had a comprehensive studyembracingall the recentdiscoveries as yet unpublished. Demetrius U. Schilardi Princeton University Detail from the upper friezeof the oinochoeof Taurus: centaurattackinga lion.