Fragmentswith horizontal relief lines made of mud applied on the outer surface. {Left)Jalilpur II; (Right) Periano Ghundai. Elsewherein northern Baluchistan,this type of decoration occurs on large water pitchers belonging to the early Harappan period, sometimescalled "Periano wet" or "Khojak parallel-striated" wares. Similar wares come from Gumla III and the surface of several sites in the central Indus Valley. Small terracotta finds from Jalilpur II: balls; "cake" fragments and fragmentary frame and wheel of a toy cart. Lower part of terracotta female figurinesand one head from Period II and surface. Similar figurines also occur in Sarai Khola II and Gumla 11-I II. southern Iran and of Mundigak III, 6 in southern Afghanistan. (6) Black-on-red wares comprising tall or squat offering stands, interacting painted designs and open-mouthed bowls like those which are found elsewhere in the early Harappan contexts but which are otherwise popularly associated with mature Harappan wares. (7) Straight 112 Trench C during excavation. and wavy horizontal decoration in relief on the external surfaces of the so-called "Periano wet" or "Khojak parallel-striated" wares. The small finds from Period II included terracotta toy-cart frames and wheels with a protruding hub; more of the so-called terracotta "cakes"; animal figurines, especially of humped bulls with short legs; copper or bronze rods; parallel-sided chert blades with reworked edges; pestles; saddle querns and leaf-shaped arrowheads of stone; terracotta bracelets either gray or red in color; shell bangles and several beads of lapis lazuli imported from Badakhshan in northern Afghanistan. Of special interest were some stylized terracotta female figurines showing a generic relationship with those from Goeksjur in Soviet Turkmenia which belong to the Namazge III period (ca. 3000-2700 b.c.), and also with examples found at Shahri-i-Sokhta in Iranian Seistan as well as Gumla and Sarai Khola in northern Pakistan.