Three views of the Churubusco idol, showing the xicolli in detail. Photograph by H.B. Nicholson. THE "Godly XICOLLI Jackets" By PATRICIA of RIEFF the Aztecs ANAWALT Cortés landed on the shores of ancient Mexico in 1519 he found a When rich and varied empire largely controlled by the powerful Aztec ruler Motecuzoma. Suspecting that the conquistador might be the god Quetzalcoatl, whose return had long been predicted, the confused emperor did not resist the advancing enemy. The Spaniards approached and easily entered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. By 1521 the PATRICIA RIEFF ANAWALT received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of California, Los Angeles, and is Consulting Curator of Costumes and Textiles at the Museum of Cultural History, UCLA. She is presently preparing a book tracing the development of Mesoamerican Indian costume from the time of Spanish contact to the present day. Ms. Anawalt is also a lecturer for the Archaeological Institute of America and discusses Aztec ritual life on her scheduled tour (see inside cover for complete listing). Ms. Anawalt would like to express her appreciation to the following individuals: Frances Berdan, Christopher Donnan, Henry B. Nicholson, and Hasso von Winning. 258