I 1. Museum 2. NorthBasilica 3. Small Residences 4. Civil Basilica 5. Little Bath 6. Central Basilica andSynagogues 7. House ofPsalms 8. Central Fountain 9. LargeBath Inferior 10.ViaPrincipalis 11. House ofPeristerias 12.ViaTheodosia 13.House ofParthenius 14.Theodosian Palace 15.ViaPrincipalis Superior 16.House oftheFuller 17.Prison Area 18.Episcopal Residence 19.Semicircular Court 20.Episcopal Basilica 21.Baptistery 22.ViaSacra 23.PortaHeraclea 24.Theater 25.Casino 26.ViaAxia 27.InnerWall 28.CasaRomana 29.EastCityWall andTurkish Bridge 30.WestCemetery 31.Cemetery Basilica Cityplan of Stobi.Surroundedby otherpublic buildingsand palatial houses, the churchalong with the SynagogueII (6) belowit lay in the centralpart of the city. Drawing by FrederickP. HemansIII basedon earlier drawingsby Paul Huffman (1971) and David B. Peck (1972) with additions by CharlesEhrhorn (1973). buildings and artifacts. Additionally, an energetic schedule of publications has been successfully pursued in the midst of major excavations. Excavations are currendy going on at several other locales, but Stobi is the only one in which any foreigners are involved at present in Yugoslavia's portion of Macedonia. Lying at the juncture of the Vardar (ancient name, Axius) and Crna (Erigon) Rivers in the 150 northern center of ancient Macedonia, Stobi was apparently first settled in the third century b.c. The city began to prosper and expand after the Romans established law and order in this interior section of the empire after 168 b.c. With the revival of unsettled conditions due to barbarian invasions in the sixth and seventh centuries after Christ, the city was abandoned and was never settled again - a fortunate circumstance for modern excavators. In the center of Stobi is an impressive complex of public buildings now known as the Central Basilica and House of Psalms. The surface remains of these structures already had