A square eight-meter-highchulpa locatedon the I lave River delta at Temuntinsure-Culturani. A governorof the Lupaca provincewas probablyburied in this structure-wellcomposedof pitted and dressed stonestypicalof importantInca buildings. tall stones are often distinguishable. Early historical sources reveal that most altiplano houses had stone and adobe walls and thatched roofs which have long since eroded away. Valuable information about diet and domestic activities should emerge from a detailed investigation of these dwelling units. Cist graves, the most commonly found burial structures of the high elevation towns, consist of subterranean recesses made with stone slabs. They are marked on the surface by mounds of earth or protruding stone slabs. Chulpas, the above-ground burial structures of the altiplano elite, are observed less frequently. The most common type of chulpa is of undressed stones in the shape of an igloo with a small door on the east side. Cylindrical chulpas of dressed stones An igloo-shapedchulpa at Chucasuyhn with Lake Titicaca in the background. 222