Relieffrom the eastface of the pylon of the Templeof Dendur showingAugustus, right, holdinga linen bag toward brothersPahor and Petesi. The slim, attenuated proportionsof thefigures and the shallowdepth of the relief are stylistic of the idiosyncracies Augustan stylein Nubia. Photograph,courtesyof Centre de Documentationsur L'AncienneEgypte,Cairo. Relieffrom the southjamb of thefaçade of the Templeof Dendur representing Augustusofferingthe cobra of Truth to the god Harendotes,"Horus-who" avenges-his-father. White the wears Augustus Crown of UpperEgypt and has the tail of the bull attachedto his kilt imbuing him with that animal's power. 7