An engravedpiriformpitcherwith beakedmouthmay be descended from slightlyearlier Egyptian examples. Height withouthandle, 18 centimeters. A pale yellowcup with amber baseand a decorative thread of blue-greenglass on its lip. The handle thumbpieceis typicalof MediaevalIslamichandles. Height, approximatelysix centimeters. iA complete study of the seventh-century Yassi Ada wreck mentioned before has taken fourteen years; it is scheduled for publication next year. Hopefully the study of the Serçe Liman wreck will not take as long because of experience gained in reconstructing ancient hulls from seabed remains, but it will be years before all the findings have been analyzed. J. Richard Steffy of INA and Texas A&M University has joined van Doorninck in Turkey to begin the reconstruction and eventual restoration of the hull, now being conserved by INA' s Robin Piercy. A series of scale models based on wood remnants raised from the sea will provide the first detailed picture of a Mediaeval Mediterranean merchantman before the actual remnants are pieced together for display in the Bodrum A pale green pitcher with invertedconicalneckis of an Islamicshape alreadycommonfrom at leastPersia to Syria in the two centuriesprecedingthe shipwreck. . Height withouthandle, approximately16 centimeters 42