How the Mycenaeans Their Buried New Evidence by Nancy from C. Wilkie Dead: the and remarkably homogeneous culture flourished over much of the Greek mainland from about 1600 to 1100 b.c. This so-called Mycenaean A civilization takes its name from the magnificent site William NichoriaTholos A. McDonald at Mycenae, home of the Homeric hero Agamemnon, leader of the Greek forces in their expedition against TVoy.Among the most impressive remains of this civilization are the monumental tholos or "beehive" tombs in which exceptionally wealthy burials were made. Although cases the almost This engraved sealstone of cornelian depicting an individual alone and frontally, is uni que among Mycenaean seals . The seal was pierced horizontally so that it could be suspended from a string and worn by its owner. 40 Archaeology