Honorable Mention Tomb.of Amyntas Telmessus,Turkey ThisLycian rock-cuttomb overlookingthe site of Telmessuswas inscribed in thefourth century b.c. with the name "Amyntasson of " Hermapias. SabrinaMaras Berkeley,California Honorable Mention Inka Granary Ollantaytambo,Peru A storage building,part of an Inka fortress where the Spanish losta major battle in 1536, stands on a hillside overlookingthe modern villageof Ollantaytambo. Constance FrisbeeHoude Albany,New York Honorable Mention Vaseand LeaningTower Pisa, Italy Afive-foot-talldecorative vase near the Leaning Tower of Pisa emphasizesthe building'sfive-degreetilt. Jane Darby Plymouth,Michigan November/December 1996 49