FROM THE TRENCHES Bivalve shell bead Sea snail shell Aztec offering, Templo Mayor, Mexico City Conch shell bead Oysters for the Earth Goddess B eneath a stone carving of the Aztec earth goddess Tlaltecuhtli inside Mexico City's Templo Mayor, DUFKDHRORJLVWVKDYHIRXQGDQRɱHULQJFRQWDLQLQJDYDULĥ ety of artifacts and animal bones, including seashells, from all RYHUWKH$]WHF(PSLUH$QHZDQDO\VLVVKRZVWKDWVHYHUDORI 18 WKHVKHOOVFRPHIURPPROOXVNVWKDWOLYHRQ0H[LFR¶V3DFL¿F coast, a possible indicator that the Aztecs expanded their empire to that area during the reign of Ahuitzotl, between 1486 and 1502. ħ=$&+=25,&+ ARCHAEOLOGY * May/June 2015