JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 * VOLUME 73, NUMBER 1 CONTENTS 38 Remains of a third-millennium b.c. bridge, Girsu, Iraq FEATURES 24 TOP 10 DISCOVERIES OF 2019 ArchAeology magazine reveals the year's most exciting finds 32 JAPAN'S SACRED ISLAND For centuries, rituals performed on an isolated island played a key role in the emergence of Japan BY ERIC A. POWELL 38 TEMPLE OF THE WHITE THUNDERBIRD Excavators in southern Iraq have uncovered the long-lost home of the powerful Sumerian warrior god BY DANIEL WEISS archaeology.org 46 FRIEND? ROMAN? COUNTRYMAN? A rare Iron Age burial in southern England reflects the close connections between Britain and Gaul two millennia ago BY MARLEY BROWN 48 INCA POWER POLITICS Ruins of a half-built Andean capital are evidence of how the Inca controlled their vast empire-until the Spanish arrived BY ROGER ATWOOD Cover: The newly discovered Old Kingdom tomb of Khuwy, Saqqara, Egypt PHOTO: courtesy MohAMed MegAhed 1http://www.archaeology.org