Uncovering Troy - 10

was a German businessman
and a pioneer
in the field of archaeology.
Frank Calvert, a
British expatriate and
amateur archaeologist, first identified
Hisarlik in Turkey as Troy and suggested
that Schliemann dig there on land owned
by Calvert's family. In 1871, thinking
that Homeric Troy must be in the lowest
level, Schliemann and his workers dug
rapidly through the upper levels of the
site, reaching fortifications that he took
to be his target. Schliemann's excavation
at Troy ( " Schliemann's Trench " ) has been
criticized as destructive of significant historical
artifacts, including the level that
is believed to be the historical Troy.
Schliemann made three additional
excavations at Troy in the late 1800s;
the latter two with Wilhelm Dörpfeld,
a German architect and archaeologist.
Some of Schliemann's most important
discoveries include:
* the Temple of Athena
* the Hellenistic City Wall
* a large theater on the northeast side
of the mound
* Priam's Treasure
Archaeological Institute of America | 10 | archaeological.org

Uncovering Troy

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Uncovering Troy

Uncovering Troy - Cover1
Uncovering Troy - Cover2
Uncovering Troy - 1
Uncovering Troy - Contents
Uncovering Troy - 3
Uncovering Troy - 4
Uncovering Troy - 5
Uncovering Troy - 6
Uncovering Troy - 7
Uncovering Troy - 8
Uncovering Troy - 9
Uncovering Troy - 10
Uncovering Troy - 11
Uncovering Troy - 12
Uncovering Troy - 13
Uncovering Troy - 14
Uncovering Troy - 15
Uncovering Troy - 16
Uncovering Troy - 17
Uncovering Troy - 18
Uncovering Troy - 19
Uncovering Troy - 20
Uncovering Troy - 21
Uncovering Troy - 22
Uncovering Troy - 23
Uncovering Troy - 24
Uncovering Troy - 25
Uncovering Troy - 26
Uncovering Troy - 27
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Uncovering Troy - 31
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Uncovering Troy - 33
Uncovering Troy - Cover4