Uncovering Troy - 23
Troy II: Heinrich Schliemann excavated Troy II, where,
among many other objects, he uncovered Treasure A
(Priam's Treasure). This was a cache of gold jewelry and
objects made from silver, electrum, bronze, carnelian,
and lapis lazuli. The presence of objects made from
these materials supports the idea that the inhabitants
traded with Asia. The lapis came from what is now
northeast Afghanistan, about 1,800 miles from Troy.
Troy II had stone ramps, huge gates, and two fortification
systems or two lines of defense. The fortifications
consisted of thick stone walls around the citadel
and a wooden palisade protecting residents in the
2550-2300 B.C.
Lower City. The discovery of cuttings in the bedrock
provided evidence for the palisade, a feature unique to
Troy at that time. A fire ended the Troy II settlement.
Troy III: Not a great deal is known about Troy III, since
Schliemann's excavations destroyed much of the
remains of the settlement. However, recent excavations
have provided evidence that the houses were
built of mostly mudbrick, rather than all stone, as was
previously thought. There was also evidence that a
fortification wall was still in use. Troy III was destroyed
by fire
2250 - 2100 B.C.
2500 B.C.
2400 B.C.
2300 B.C.
2200 B.C. 2100 B.C.
archaeological.org | 23 | Archaeological Institute of America
Uncovering Troy
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Uncovering Troy
Uncovering Troy - Cover1
Uncovering Troy - Cover2
Uncovering Troy - 1
Uncovering Troy - Contents
Uncovering Troy - 3
Uncovering Troy - 4
Uncovering Troy - 5
Uncovering Troy - 6
Uncovering Troy - 7
Uncovering Troy - 8
Uncovering Troy - 9
Uncovering Troy - 10
Uncovering Troy - 11
Uncovering Troy - 12
Uncovering Troy - 13
Uncovering Troy - 14
Uncovering Troy - 15
Uncovering Troy - 16
Uncovering Troy - 17
Uncovering Troy - 18
Uncovering Troy - 19
Uncovering Troy - 20
Uncovering Troy - 21
Uncovering Troy - 22
Uncovering Troy - 23
Uncovering Troy - 24
Uncovering Troy - 25
Uncovering Troy - 26
Uncovering Troy - 27
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Uncovering Troy - 29
Uncovering Troy - 30
Uncovering Troy - 31
Uncovering Troy - 32
Uncovering Troy - 33
Uncovering Troy - Cover4