Uncovering Troy - 29

Troy IX is the Roman Ilium. During this time,
an Odeion or council house was constructed,
and the West Sanctuary was rebuilt. The
Romans held Ilium in great reverence
because of the connection of Troy and Rome
through the Trojan hero Aeneas. Aeneas
escaped from the sack of Troy at the end
85 B.C. - C 500 A.D.
of the Trojan War and eventually settled in
central Italy. Julius Caesar and the emperor
Augustus were responsible for rebuilding a
great deal of the city. In addition, the Roman
ruler Hadrian built new structures, and
restored the monumental burial mound of the
Greek hero Ajax that lay nearby.
100 A.D.
200 A.D.
1. Detail from Çan
Sarcophagus, Granicus Valley
2. Archaeologist uncovering a
statue of the Emperor Hadrian
3. Portrait of the Emperor
4. Odeion
5. Temple of Athena ruins
300 A.D.
400 A.D.
500 A.D.
archaeological.org | 29 | Archaeological Institute of America

Uncovering Troy

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Uncovering Troy

Uncovering Troy - Cover1
Uncovering Troy - Cover2
Uncovering Troy - 1
Uncovering Troy - Contents
Uncovering Troy - 3
Uncovering Troy - 4
Uncovering Troy - 5
Uncovering Troy - 6
Uncovering Troy - 7
Uncovering Troy - 8
Uncovering Troy - 9
Uncovering Troy - 10
Uncovering Troy - 11
Uncovering Troy - 12
Uncovering Troy - 13
Uncovering Troy - 14
Uncovering Troy - 15
Uncovering Troy - 16
Uncovering Troy - 17
Uncovering Troy - 18
Uncovering Troy - 19
Uncovering Troy - 20
Uncovering Troy - 21
Uncovering Troy - 22
Uncovering Troy - 23
Uncovering Troy - 24
Uncovering Troy - 25
Uncovering Troy - 26
Uncovering Troy - 27
Uncovering Troy - 28
Uncovering Troy - 29
Uncovering Troy - 30
Uncovering Troy - 31
Uncovering Troy - 32
Uncovering Troy - 33
Uncovering Troy - Cover4