Uncovering Troy - 6

Homer was a Greek poet who, it is surmised, lived
in Ionia sometime between the 9th and 8th centuries
B.C. It is still unclear whether Homer was the single
author of the two great works of epic poetry: the
Iliad and the Odyssey. Originally passed down via
the oral tradition, the Iliad tells the story of 51 days
in the last year of the 10-year war
between the Greeks and the Trojans.
One of the main causes of the war was
the abduction of Helen, wife of Menelaus,
King of Sparta, by Paris, son of
King Priam of Troy. To rescue Helen,
the Greeks, led by King Agamemnon of
Mycenae, sailed to Troy and engaged in
Both sides had ascendency at various
points throughout the conflict,
mainly due to the intervention of the
gods of Olympus. The goddess Athena,
for example, aided the Greeks, while
Apollo supported the cause of the Trojans.
The tide turned toward the side
of the Greeks when their great hero,
the warrior Achilles, joined the battle.
(Achilles came late to the fighting as
he was angry that Agamemnon was
awarded the beautiful Briseis, who was
to have been Achilles' war prize.) Achilles
slew Hector, the champion of the
Trojans, dragging the body behind his
chariot around the walls of Troy. However,
the Trojans still were able to take
Archaeological Institute of America | 6 |

Uncovering Troy

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Uncovering Troy

Uncovering Troy - Cover1
Uncovering Troy - Cover2
Uncovering Troy - 1
Uncovering Troy - Contents
Uncovering Troy - 3
Uncovering Troy - 4
Uncovering Troy - 5
Uncovering Troy - 6
Uncovering Troy - 7
Uncovering Troy - 8
Uncovering Troy - 9
Uncovering Troy - 10
Uncovering Troy - 11
Uncovering Troy - 12
Uncovering Troy - 13
Uncovering Troy - 14
Uncovering Troy - 15
Uncovering Troy - 16
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Uncovering Troy - 22
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Uncovering Troy - Cover4