Uncovering Troy - 7
1. Achilles and the
conquered Hector
2. Aeneas escaping
from the sack of Troy
3. Early copy of the Iliad
4. Recreation of the
Trojan Horse
defense behind the
mighty walls of
their city and the
siege continued.
In the Odyssey,
the tale of
the exploits of
the Greek hero
Odysseus after the
Trojan War, King Menelaus of Sparta
tells how the Greeks were able to get
behind the walls of Troy via trickery.
The Greeks constructed a giant wooden
horse and concealed a small band of
their warriors inside it. The Greeks then
moved their ships out of sight. When
the Trojans saw the horse, they brought
it within their walls in celebration of
what they thought was their victory.
That night, the hidden warriors escaped
from the horse,
opened the
gates, and
allowed the
Greek army to
enter the city.
The Greeks
razed the city,
killed warriors,
and took captives. A few Trojans
escaped, notably Aeneas, the subject of
Virgil's epic, the Aeneid.
The heroic traditions embodied in
the Iliad and the Odyssey have had
an enormous effect on Western culture
throughout the ages. The Greeks,
Romans, and many other later civilizations
have done much to lay claim to a
connection with Troy and the legendary
Trojan War.
| 7 | Archaeological Institute of America
Uncovering Troy
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Uncovering Troy
Uncovering Troy - Cover1
Uncovering Troy - Cover2
Uncovering Troy - 1
Uncovering Troy - Contents
Uncovering Troy - 3
Uncovering Troy - 4
Uncovering Troy - 5
Uncovering Troy - 6
Uncovering Troy - 7
Uncovering Troy - 8
Uncovering Troy - 9
Uncovering Troy - 10
Uncovering Troy - 11
Uncovering Troy - 12
Uncovering Troy - 13
Uncovering Troy - 14
Uncovering Troy - 15
Uncovering Troy - 16
Uncovering Troy - 17
Uncovering Troy - 18
Uncovering Troy - 19
Uncovering Troy - 20
Uncovering Troy - 21
Uncovering Troy - 22
Uncovering Troy - 23
Uncovering Troy - 24
Uncovering Troy - 25
Uncovering Troy - 26
Uncovering Troy - 27
Uncovering Troy - 28
Uncovering Troy - 29
Uncovering Troy - 30
Uncovering Troy - 31
Uncovering Troy - 32
Uncovering Troy - 33
Uncovering Troy - Cover4