How can I explain how my daughter's hearing works? "SAY THAT AGAIN?" EVERYDAY SOUNDS AND HEARING LOSS WHAT IS NOISE-INDUCED HEARING LOSS? HOW DOES NOISE DAMAGE MY EAR? When sound is too loud (above 70 dBA) for too long it can cause permanent damage causing noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Tiny sensitive inner ear hair cells are damaged by loud sound. This damage is experienced as hearing loss. If the sound is very loud (above 100 dBA) damage can occur very quickly. 37M 1 in 5 teenagers in the United States has a hearing loss. Over 37.5 million adults in the United States report having some trouble hearing. EVERYDAY NOISE: HOW LOUD IS TOO LOUD? } Damaged Hair Cells Healthy Hair Cells Even at lower volumes, damage can happen (like listening to loud music through headphones for too long). 120 dBA LIMIT EXPOSURE TO 5 MINUTES 100 dBA LIMIT EXPOSURE TO 15 MINUTES 70 dBA SAFE LISTENING Whisper Quiet Room Office Noise Conversation Hair Dryer City Traffic Lawn Mower Chainsaw Rock Concert Jet Takeoff Firecrackers WHAT DOES HEARING LOSS SOUND LIKE? CUTTING EDGE RESEARCH! For people with hearing loss, speech may sound muffled or distorted which can make understanding similar sounding words difficult. Noise-induced hearing loss is permanent! But scientists and researchers are working on ways to repair NIHL damage. Q: ARE YOU HERE THURSDAY? A: YES, I AM VERY THIRSTY! HOW CAN I RAISE AWARENESS? SUPPORT PUBLIC HEALTH CAMPAIGNS ADVOCATE FOR LOWER VOLUME IN PUBLIC KNOW THE FACTS ABOUT NIHL EDUCATE OTHERS AND SPREAD THE WORD Diagram of the Ear/Diagrama del Oído GENE THERAPY Outer Ear REGENERATION STUDIES Oído Externo ANTIOXIDANTS (PROTECTION) With thanks to ASHA SIG 8, Audiology and Public Health. 12279 Middle Ear Oído Medio Malleus Martillo Stapes Incus Estribo Yunque Inner Ear Oído Interno Semicircular Canals Canales Semicirculares Vestibular Nerve Nervio Vestibular Cochlear Nerve Nervio Coclear Ear Canal Canal Auditivo Cochlea Cóclea Eardrum Tímpano 10473 8th Cranial Nerve Nervio Craneal VIII Eustachian Tube Trompa de Eustaquio For further information, contact/ Para información adicional, comuníquese con: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 800-638-8255 Answer all their questions with ASHA's consumer education products. 11921a Visit to order.