ASHA Catalog 2013 - (Page 112)

112 NEW NSSLHA Merchandise and Gift Items Lapel Pin Show your pride and enthusiasm as a member of NSSLHA. Purchase a pin for yourself or as a gift for other NSSLHA members. Item #0310228 $5 ASHA/NSSLHA member $8 nonmember NEW Tablet Stand Perfect for the tech-savvy student, the simulated leather stand doubles as a protective carrying case with snap closure and as a presentation stand. Interior features three different positions so you can find the perfect angle to view videos or slideshows or for typing on the onscreen keyboard. Four elastic corner bands hold a 7" to 10" tablet securely. Subtly debossed with the NSSLHA logo. Item #0310320 $25 ASHA/NSSLHA member / $29 nonmember Oral Mech Starter Kit NSSLHA Loves T-Shirt The NSSLHA “We Help Fill In The Blanks” t-shirt was created by Thor Rasmussen when he was a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Thor’s design was the winner in the “NSSLHA Loves” campaign t-shirt contest. “NSSLHA Loves” is an annual community service activity that promotes fundraising among NSSLHA members in support of national organizations that work with people living with communication disorders. Unisex sizes. Specify S, M, L, XL. Item #0310318 $5 ASHA/NSSLHA member / $8 nonmember Everything you need as a new clinician is available in this convenient kit. Embossed with the NSSLHA logo, our kit contains a dental mirror, pen light, stop watch, and hand sanitizer. Item #0310316 $15 ASHA/NSSLHA member / $25 nonmember NSSLHA Storage Clipboard Carrying your clinical paperwork documents just got easier! Featuring a large compartment to securely store patient records, pens, business cards, and other items, and a calculator on the outside, this handy clipboard is perfect for the student on the go. Item #0310237 $10 ASHA/NSSLHA member $18 nonmember Key Holder This finely crafted key holder is made from solid stainless steel and is laser engraved with the NSSLHA logo. Size: 3½" × 1½" Item #0310308 $5 ASHA/NSSLHA member $8 nonmember BEST BUY when you purchase 10 or more of the same NSSLHA product SAVE 10% NSSLHA Best Buy Buy the NSSLHA Loves T-Shirt, the key holder, and the lapel pin—all for one low price! Specify shirt size (S, M, L, XL). Item #0310321 $10 ASHA/NSSLHA member / $16 nonmember 888-498-6699 •

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA Catalog 2013

ASHA Catalog 2013
Table of Contents
Make ASHA Professional Development Your First Choice in Continuing Education
Calendar of 2013 Events, Online Conferences, and Live Webinars
2013 Conferences & Convention
Language and Literacy
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Autism and Developmental Disorders
Speech and Voice Disorders
Swallowing Disorders
Neurogenic Speech and Language
School-Based Service Delivery
Multicultural Issues
Reimbursement and Medicare
Service Delivery and Practice Management
Cochlear Implants, Auditory Processing, and Other Clinical Issues
Hearing, Hearing Loss, and Balance
Assessment, Amplification, and Audiologic Rehabilitation
Special Interest Groups
ASHA Scholarly Journals
Reimbursement and Medicare
Service Delivery and Practice Management
School-Based Service Delivery
Assessment Tools From ASHA
Products From Other Publishers Members save 10%
ASHFoundation Merchandise and Gift Items
ASHA Merchandise and Gift Items
NSSLHA Merchandise and Gift Items
Consumer Education
Order Form
Author Index
Product Index

ASHA Catalog 2013