ASHA Catalog 2013 - (Page 75)
Reference: Reimbursement and Medicare Targeting Better Coverage:
TargeTing BeTTer Coverage
A Guide for Improving Health Plan Coverage for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Services
A Guide for Improving Health Plan Coverage for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Services
This guide, designed to help clinicians develop an action plan to improve health plan coverage of their services, includes how to’s for selecting a target audience, perfecting the communication message, making face-to-face contact with decision makers, and assembling information packets. With this guide, you can respond more effectively to a benefit manager’s questions about including your services in the company’s health plan, use social media to get your message out and develop local and state public relations initiatives, and understand marketing’s role in advocacy. Additional resources are available on the accompanying CD. Item #0113178 / $38 ASHA member / $50 nonmember
Health Plan Coding and Claims Guide
Janet P. McCarty, MEd and Steven C. White, PhD, CCC-A
Updated with 2013 data, this product will help clinicians expedite payments for speech-language pathology and audiology services. It includes billing codes, claims filing, and health plan payments. It focuses on private health plans, but public programs such as Medicare and Medicaid are referenced throughout to facilitate a better understanding of private third-party payment. Topics include ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes, CPT procedural codes and the payment system based on codes. Item #0112486 / $48 ASHA member / $65 nonmember Purchase the updated pages only if you have previously purchased an earlier version of the Health Plan Coding and Claims Guide (includes CPT and ICD code sections, and the Medicare Fee Schedule). Item #0112676 / $24.00 ASHA member / $32.50 nonmember
Negotiating Health Care Contracts and Calculating Fees:
A Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
Janet P. McCarty, MEd and Steven C. White, PhD, CCC-A
Updated with 2013 data, this resource is essential for clinicians negotiating contracts and determining charges for services. Topics include payment methods, contract concepts, and national charge data. You will be able to evaluate your fee structure by comparing your charges to those of other practitioners nationwide. Item #0112450 / $40 ASHA member Purchase the updated pages only if you have previously purchased an earlier version of Negotiating Health Care Contracts and Calculating Fees. Item #0112677 / $20 ASHA member
Appealing Health Plan Denials
Janet P. McCarty, MEd, Maureen E. Thompson, and Steven C. White, PhD, CCC-A
Health plans deny speech-language pathology and audiology services for a variety of reasons, and often for services that appear to be reasonable and necessary. This practical guide helps clinicians respond to and appeal these claims. Treatment efficacy statements are provided to support the medical necessity requirement of many health plans. Sample appeal letters for a variety of conditions are provided in hard copy and on CD for easy customization. Item #0112475 / $38 ASHA member / $50 nonmember
Prepared by the Health Care Economics & Advocacy Team
Reimbursement resources at your fingertips
888-498-6699 •
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA Catalog 2013
ASHA Catalog 2013
Table of Contents
Make ASHA Professional Development Your First Choice in Continuing Education
Calendar of 2013 Events, Online Conferences, and Live Webinars
2013 Conferences & Convention
Language and Literacy
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Autism and Developmental Disorders
Speech and Voice Disorders
Swallowing Disorders
Neurogenic Speech and Language
School-Based Service Delivery
Multicultural Issues
Reimbursement and Medicare
Service Delivery and Practice Management
Cochlear Implants, Auditory Processing, and Other Clinical Issues
Hearing, Hearing Loss, and Balance
Assessment, Amplification, and Audiologic Rehabilitation
Special Interest Groups
ASHA Scholarly Journals
Reimbursement and Medicare
Service Delivery and Practice Management
School-Based Service Delivery
Assessment Tools From ASHA
Products From Other Publishers Members save 10%
ASHFoundation Merchandise and Gift Items
ASHA Merchandise and Gift Items
NSSLHA Merchandise and Gift Items
Consumer Education
Order Form
Author Index
Product Index
ASHA Catalog 2013