ASHA Catalog 2013 - (Page 76)

76 Reference: Service Delivery and Practice Management A Guide to Verifying Competencies in Speech-Language Pathology ASHA’s policy statements were developed to identify specific knowledge and skills needed to provide services in a particular area of practice. This product uses these statements to help you quickly and easily identify the knowledge and skills and proficiency levels recommended for different practice settings. A valuable resource when working to strengthen clinical service delivery or when filling or creating a speech-language pathology (assisting clinician) position. The competencies addressed include business practices, clinical supervision, cognitive communication, swallowing and feeding disorders, and more. The CD includes all documents and easy-to-use charts that can be customized. UPDATED SPRING 2009 Item #0111928 / $39 ASHA member / $49 nonmember a guide to Verifying Competencies in Speech-Language Pathology Business Matters: A Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists Develop your business skills and gain years of “on-the-job” experience with this valuable reference. Written by experts, this book offers easy-to-read data and text in an indexed format with illustrative charts, tables, and real-life case studies of business issues, sample forms and business letters, and resource lists. Great for individual clinicians, clinical supervisors and managers, or anyone who would benefit from access to business strategies, tools, and technical advice. Item #0112712 / $29 ASHA member / $38 nonmember G U I D E T O S U CC E S S F U L In Speech-Language Pathology Guide to Successful Private Practice in Speech-Language Pathology This manual addresses basic considerations for starting a private practice and maintaining and growing an existing practice. Written by experienced SLPs in private practice, this product covers principles for success, business types and structures, selection of a business location and equipment, expenses and fees, and marketing in private practice. Item #0112026 / $44 ASHA member / $57 nonmember PRIVATE PRACTICE: Save 10% BEST BUY G U I D E T O S U CC E S S F U L In Speech-Language Pathology PRIVATE PRACTICE: Private Practice Item #0112828 $66 ASHA member $86 nonmember 888-498-6699 •

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA Catalog 2013

ASHA Catalog 2013
Table of Contents
Make ASHA Professional Development Your First Choice in Continuing Education
Calendar of 2013 Events, Online Conferences, and Live Webinars
2013 Conferences & Convention
Language and Literacy
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Autism and Developmental Disorders
Speech and Voice Disorders
Swallowing Disorders
Neurogenic Speech and Language
School-Based Service Delivery
Multicultural Issues
Reimbursement and Medicare
Service Delivery and Practice Management
Cochlear Implants, Auditory Processing, and Other Clinical Issues
Hearing, Hearing Loss, and Balance
Assessment, Amplification, and Audiologic Rehabilitation
Special Interest Groups
ASHA Scholarly Journals
Reimbursement and Medicare
Service Delivery and Practice Management
School-Based Service Delivery
Assessment Tools From ASHA
Products From Other Publishers Members save 10%
ASHFoundation Merchandise and Gift Items
ASHA Merchandise and Gift Items
NSSLHA Merchandise and Gift Items
Consumer Education
Order Form
Author Index
Product Index

ASHA Catalog 2013