P O S T ER SESSIONS * SATUR DAY Saturday's Poster Sessions Time Session Board Number Session Title TOPIC AREA ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Content Area Academic and Clinical Education ACE General Interest Assessment of Hearing and Balance Disorders in Adults AHBA Audiology Assessment of Hearing and Balance Disorders in Children AHBC Audiology Auditory/Central Auditory Processing CAP General Interest Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) AAC Speech‑Language Pathology Autism Spectrum Disorders ASD Speech‑Language Pathology Craniofacial and Velopharyngeal Disorders CRAN Speech‑Language Pathology Cultural and Linguistic Issues CLI General Interest Fluency FLU Speech‑Language Pathology Global Issues and Practices GLOB General Interest Hearing and Balance Science HBS Audiology Interprofessional Education and Practice IPEP General Interest Intervention/Rehabilitation of Hearing and Balance Disorders in Adults IHBA Audiology Intervention/Rehabilitation of Hearing and Balance Disorders in Children IHBC Audiology Language and Learning in School‑Age Children and Adolescents LLCA Speech‑Language Pathology Language Disorders in Adults LDA Speech‑Language Pathology Language in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers LITP Speech‑Language Pathology Leadership and Professional Issues LPI General Interest Literacy Assessment and Intervention LAI Speech‑Language Pathology Motor Speech Disorders MSD Speech‑Language Pathology Practice Management and Service Delivery Innovation PMSD General Interest Speech and Language Science SLS Speech‑Language Pathology Speech Sound Disorders in Children SSDC Speech‑Language Pathology Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders SWAL Speech‑Language Pathology Telepractice TELE General Interest Traumatic Brain Injury TBI General Interest Voice and Alaryngeal Communication VAC Speech‑Language Pathology 2017 ASHA Convention Program Book POSTER SESSIONS * SATURDAY TimeTopic Area | 295