Hamilton® CapTel® 2400i Reconnect your patients with family Hearing loss creates a very real, silent barrier for nearly 50 million individuals in the U.S. alone. In addition, recent studies indicate that hearing loss can also be linked to other conditions. For many, this results in feelings of isolation - and a complete disconnect from family and the shared experiences that make life enjoyable. Regaining the confidence to make a simple phone call can make a big difference and that's why we created the Hamilton® CapTel® Hearing Healthcare program. It's a simple, no-cost* solution for you and your patients. Combined with your expertise as a hearing healthcare professional, See what the we can minimize the silent barrier of hearing loss and reconnect your research reveals... patients with family. Hearing Loss and Associated Comorbidities: What Do We Know? Join us: 2017 ASHA Convention Visit: HamiltonCapTel.com/ASHA17 *Independent third-party professional certification required The Hamilton CapTel phone requires telephone service and high-speed Internet access. WiFi Capable. Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS) is regulated and funded by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and is designed exclusively for individuals with hearing loss. To learn more, visit www.fcc.gov. 090517 Copyright © 2017 Hamilton Relay. All rights reserved. * Hamilton is a registered trademark of Nedelco, Inc. d/b/a Hamilton Telecommunications. * CapTel is a registered trademark of Ultratec, Inc.http://www.HamiltonCapTel.com/ASHA17 http://www.fcc.gov