N 2017 ASHA CONVENTION Awards List 2017 Honors of the Association Anthony S. Bashir Allan O. Diefendorf Sandra Gordon-Salant Karen Iler Kirk Ann W. Kummer Sally J. Peterson-Falzone David Allen Shapiro Susan L. Thibeault William A. Yost 2017 Fellowship of the Association Michael Blomgren Ryan C. Branski Martin B. Brodsky Julia L. Evans Wayne A. Foster Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Contributions in International Achievement Mark Douglas Simms Certificate of Recognition for Special Contributions in Multicultural Affairs Kenyatta O. Rivers Early Career Contributions in Research Award Sonja M. Molfenter Distinguished Service Award Bryan M. Stow Outstanding Service Award Ellen C. Fagan Patrima L. Tice Media Awards Print Media: The Washington Post Consumer Reports The New York Times Web MD Magazine Digital Media: Autism Speaks Official Blog U.S. News & World Report Slate Melanie Fried-Oken Dan C. Halling Lisa N. Kelchner Do-Heung Ko Marjorie L. Nicholas Broadcast Media: ABC TV/Philadelphia Science Friday NBC News WYUU Tampa Special Award: Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health Media Outreach Champions Amee Shah Joy Peterson Craig Coleman American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Foundation (Presented at the Founders Breakfast) 2017 Frank R. Kleffner Lifetime Clinical Career Award Jon F. Miller 2017 Louis M. DiCarlo Award for Recent Clinical Achievement Sheryl Rosin 2017 Rolland J. Van Hattum Award for Contribution in the Schools Marilyn Sandler Shari Robertson Bari Hoffman Ruddy Preeti M. Sivasankar Debra M. Suiter Glen M. Tellis ASHA Journals Awards (Presented at the ResearcherAcademic Town Meeting) 2017 Alfred K. Kawana Award for Lifetime Achievement in Publications Susan Ellis Weismer 2016 Editor's Award American Journal of Audiology Frank Iglehart American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Irina Castellanos David B. Pisoni William G. Kronenberger Jessica Beer Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research-Speech section Julie Case Maria I. Grigos Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research- Language section Sarah Northcott Jane Marshall Katerina Hilari 122 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research-Hearing section Michael F. Dorman Julie Liss Shuai Wang Visar Berisha Cimarron Ludwig Sarah Cook Natale Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools Christina N. MeyersDenman Elena Plante National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (Presented at the NSSLHA Honors Awards Ceremony) Honors of NSSLHA Kathy L. Shapley Chapter of the Year Honors University of Cincinnati Annie Glenn Award Speechless (TV Series)