Our new app makes the Leader as mobile as you are! * Download the Leader app and flip through current and past issues on your mobile devices. * The issue looks and works just like your print issue - just swipe to turn the page and zoom in for a closer look. * Now you can access Leader articles and resources from virtually anywhere and share article PDFs on e-mail and social media. * For iPhones, Android, Amazon Kindle and Fire, tablets or any computer. To get the Leader app: * Search for "The ASHA Leader" in your mobile device's app marketplace or store. * Download the app to your device, then open it. * Select the Leader issue you want (they start with October 2014), click on it to download it ... then start reading! * If you have trouble finding the app in the app store on your device, you can click directly on these links to download it: For Android devices: bit.ly/leader-android For Amazon Kindle and Fire devices: bit.ly/leader-amazon For iOS devices: bit.ly/leader-ios You can also access a flipbook through The Leader website at on.asha.org/leader-flip.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.branded.ashaleader&hl=en http://www.amazon.com/ASHA-Leader/dp/B00PR2SY2M/ref=sr_1_1?s=mobile-apps&ie=UTF8&qid=1421958767&sr=1-1&keywords=asha+leader&pebp=1421958768991&peasin=B00PR2SY2M http://www.bit.ly/leader-ios http://on.asha.org/leader-flip