Everybody Needs a Turn: A Book for Brothers and Sisters of Children With Speech and Language Disorders Denise Underkoffler, MA, CCC-SLP (Publisher: ASHA Press) It's no fun when you have to wait. And Hanna has to wait for her little brother Peter a lot. She waits at the speechlanguage pathologist's office, at story time-will it ever be her turn? Many brothers and sisters of children with a speechlanguage disorder have a hard time understanding why their sibling is getting extra attention. It's no surprise when they feel left out. This engaging story shows how Hanna, with a little help, learns to understand her feelings and find a way for both Peter and her to have their turn. The endearing illustrations bring the story to life and make this a warm and accessible story for sharing at bedtime-or anytime. This book can be used by parents, speech-language pathologists, and educators as a springboard for more conversations. It includes a section of helpful and practical communication tips for the whole family. Discussion starters help children understand and communicate their feelings. 24 pages, softcover Item #0113707 $14.99 ASHA member $16.99 nonmember on.asha.org/shop 888-498-6699 23https://apps.asha.org/eWeb/OLSDynamicPage.aspx?Webcode=olsdetails&title=Everybody+Needs+a+Turn%3a+A+Book+for+Brothers+and+Sisters+of+Children+With+Speech+and+Language+Disorders http://on.asha.org/shop