ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 3

How Does Your Child
Hear and Talk?
A "must" for your clinical toolkit, these easy-to-understand
resources will support you in helping parents recognize key
speech and hearing developmental milestones and know
when to seek professional help.

How Does Your Child
Hear and Talk?

Hearing and Understanding

¿Qué tal habla y
oye su niño?


Oyendo y comprendiendo

Birth-3 Months

Birth-3 Months

*	 Parece	reconocer	su	voz	y	se	calma	si	está	llorando.

4-6 Months

*	Makes	speech-like	babbling	sounds,	like	pa, ba, and	mi.

*	 Mueve	los	ojos	en	la	dirección	de	los	sonidos.

*	Giggles	and	laughs.

*	 Pays	attention	to	music.

*	 Presta	atención	a	los	juguetes	que	emiten	sonidos.

*	Makes	sounds	when	happy	or	upset.	

*	 Responds	to	changes	in	tone	of	your	voice.

*	 Presta	atención	a	la	música.	

7 Months-1 Year

7 Months-1 Year

*	 Responde	a	los	cambios	en	el	tono	de	voz.

*	Babbles	longer	strings	of	sounds,	like	mimi upup babababa.	

*	 Turns	and	looks	in	direction	of	sounds.

7 meses-1 año

*	Uses	sounds	and	gestures	to	get	and	keep	attention.

*	 Looks	when	you	point.

*	 Se	vuelve	y	mira	en	la	dirección	de	los	sonidos.

*	Points	to	objects	and	shows	them	to	others.

*	 Turns	to	own	name	when	you	call.

*	 Mira	a	donde	usted	apunta.	

*	Uses	gestures	like	waving	bye-bye,	reaching	to	be	picked	up,	or	shaking	head	no.	

*	 Recognizes	words	for	familiar	objects	and	people,	like	cup, truck, juice,	and	daddy.

*	Imitates	different	speech	sounds.

*	 Begins	to	respond	to	simple	words	and	phrases,	like	"No,"	"Come	here,"	and	"Want	more?"		

*	Says	1	or	2	words,	like	hi, dog, dada, mama,	or	uh-oh,	around	first	birthday.	All	words	may	not	
be	clear.	

*	 Plays	games	with	you,	like	peekaboo	and	pat-a-cake.

*	 Juega	con	usted	juegos	como	el	cucú	y	palmita	de	manteca.	

*	Uses	p, b, m, h, and	w	in	words.

*	 Points	to	a	few	body	parts	when	you	ask.

1-2 años

*	Starts	to	name	pictures	in	books.

*	 Follows	1-part	directions,	like	"Roll	the	ball"	or	"Kiss	the	baby."

*	 Señala	a	las	diferentes	partes	del	cuerpo	cuando	se	las	nombra.

*	Asks	what, who, and	where	questions,	like	"What's	that?"	"Who's	that?"	and	"Where's	kitty?"

*	 Understands	simple	questions,	like	"Who's	that?"	and	"Where's	your	shoe?"	

*	 Sigue	instrucciones	simples,	como	"Tira	la	pelota"	o	"Dale	un	beso	al	bebé."

*	Puts	2	words	together,	like	"More	apple,"	"No	bedtime,"	and	"Mommy	book."

*	 Listens	to	stories,	songs,	and	rhymes	for	a	longer	time.

*	 Entiende	preguntas	sencillas,	como	"¿Quién	es	ese?"	y	"¿Dónde	está	el	zapato?"

2-3 Years

*	 Points	to	pictures	in	books	when	you	name	them.

*	 Señala	a	las	ilustraciones	de	un	libro	cuando	se	las	nombra.

*	Talks	about	things	that	are	not	in	the	room.	

2-3 años

*	Talks	during	pretend	play,	like	saying	beep-beep	when	moving	cars.	

*	 Understands	opposite	words,	like	go-stop, big-little, and	up-down.

*	 Entiende	palabras	opuestas,	como	abre-cierra, grande-chico	y	arriba-abajo.

*	Uses	k, g, f, t, d, and	n	in	words.

*	 Follows	2-part	directions,	like	"Get	the	spoon	and	put	it	on	the	table."		

*	 Sigue	instrucciones	compuestas,	como	"Busca	la	cuchara	y	ponla	en	la	mesa."	

*	Uses	words	like	in, on, and	under.

*	 Understands	new	words	quickly.

*	Asks	why?

3-4 Years

*	 Entiende	con	rapidez	las	palabras	nuevas.

*	Familiar	people	understand	your	child's	speech.

*	 Responds	when	you	call	from	another	room.

3-4 años

*	Puts	3	words	together	to	talk	about	and	ask	for	things.	May	repeat	some	words	and	sounds.

*	 Understands	words	for	some	colors,	like	red, blue, and	green.

*	 Responde	cuando	lo	llaman	de	otra	habitación.

3-4 Years

*	 Understands	words	for	some	shapes,	like	circle	and	square.

*	 Entiende	las	palabras	para	algunos	colores,	como	rojo, azul y	verde.

*	Answers	simple	who, what, and	where	questions.

*	 Understands	words	for	family,	like	brother, grandmother, and	aunt.

*	 Entiende	las	palabras	para	los	miembros	de	la	familia,	como	hermano, abuela	y	tía.

*	Uses	pronouns,	like I, you, me, we, and	they.	
*	Uses	some	plural	words,	like	toys, birds, and	buses.
*	Most	people	understand	your	child's	speech.

4-5 años
*	 Entiende	las	palabras	para	el	orden	de	los	sucesos,	como	primero, después	y	por último.

*	Asks	when	and	how	questions.

*	 Entiende	las	palabras	para	el	orden	cronológico,	como	ayer, hoy	y	mañana.

*	Puts	4	words	together.	May	make	some	mistakes,	like	"I	goed	to	school."

*	 Sigue	instrucciones	más	complicadas,	como	"Ponte	la	piyama,	cepíllate	los	dientes	y	después		
escoge	un	libro."

*	Talks	about	what	happened	during	the	day.	Uses	about	4	sentences	at	a	time.

*	 Understands	most	of	what	is	said	at	home	and	at	school.

*	 Sigue	instrucciones	en	el	aula,	como	"En	esta	página,	dibuja	un	círculo	alrededor	de	algo	que	se	
puede	comer."

4-5 Years
*	Says	all	speech	sounds	in	words.	May	make	mistakes	on	sounds	that	are	harder	to	say,		
like	l, s, r, v, z, j, ch, sh, and	th.	

*	Usa	gestos	para	decir	adiós,	pedir	que	lo	carguen	o	decir	que	no.	

1-2 años

*	Usa	los	sonidos	p, b, t, d, k, m, n en	las	palabras.
*	Empieza	a	nombrar	las	ilustraciones	en	los	libros.
*	Pregunta	qué, quién y	dónde, como	en	"¿Qué	(es)	eso? ",	"¿Quién	es?"	y	"¿Dónde	miau	(gatito)?"
*	Combina	dos	palabras,	como	"más	pan,"	"nene	aúpa"	y	"mamá	libro."
2-3 años
*	Tiene	palabras	para	las	personas,	los	lugares,	las	cosas	y	las	acciones	familiares.
*	Habla	sobre	cosas	que	no	están	en	la	misma	habitación.	
*	Imita,	por	ejemplo,	la	bocina	o	el	motor	de	un	auto	al	jugar	con	el	mismo.
*	Usa	los	sonidos	g, f, s en	las	palabras.
*	Usa	palabras	como	en, dentro y	debajo.
*	Pregunta	¿por qué?
*	Las	personas	allegadas	al	niño	entienden	lo	que	dice.
*	Combina	tres	palabras	para	pedir	las	cosas	y	hablar	sobre	ellas.	Es	posible	que	repita	algunos		
sonidos	y	palabras.
3-4 años
*	Contesta	preguntas	sencillas	con	quién, qué y	dónde.
*	Usa	palabras	que	riman,	como	gato-pato y	tío-frío.
*	Usa	pronombres,	como	yo, tú, mi, nosotros y	ellos.	
*	Usa	algunas	palabras	en	plural,	como	juguetes, patitos	y	camiones.
*	La	mayoría	de	las	personas	entienden	lo	que	dice.
*	Hace	preguntas	con	cuándo	y	cómo.
*	Combina	cuatro	palabras.	Es	posible	que	cometa	errores,	como	"Tengo	una	lápiz	azul."
*	Habla	sobre	lo	que	sucede	durante	el	día.	Usa	unas	cuatro	oraciones	de	una	vez.

*	 Entiende	la	mayoría	de	lo	que	se	habla	en	la	casa	y	en	la	escuela.

4-5 años
*	Usa	todos	los	sonidos	de	las	palabras.	Es	posible	que	cometa	errores	con	los	sonidos	más	
difíciles	de	pronunciar,	como	g, f, s, r, l y	ch.	

*	Responds	to	"What	did	you	say?"	
*	Talks	without	repeating	words	or	sounds	most	of	the	time.	

*	Responde	a	la	pregunta	"¿Qué	dijiste?"	

*	Names	letters	and	numbers.	

*	La	mayoría	de	las	veces,	habla	sin	repetir	palabras	ni	sonidos.	

*	Uses	sentences	that	have	more	than	1	action	word,	like	jump, play, and	get.	May	make	some		
mistakes,	like	"Zach	gots	2	video	games,	but	I	got	1."
Children develop at their own pace. This	chart	shows	the	average	ages	when	most	children	have	
developed	these	skills.	Your	child	might	not	have	all	skills	until	the	end	of	the	age	range.	If	you	are	concerned,	
don't	wait-get	help	for	your	child	from	an	ASHA-certified	audiologist	or	speech-language	pathologist.

*	Balbucea	usando	grupos	de	sonidos	más	largos,	como	mimi papapa babababa.	
*	Usa	sonidos	y	gestos	para	atraer	y	mantener	la	atención.

*	Imita	diversos	sonidos	del	habla.
*	Dice	una	o	dos	palabras	alrededor	del	primer	año,	como	mamá, papá, no, o	adiós.	Quizás	no	
todas	las	palabras	suenen	claras.	

*	Usa	muchas	palabras	nuevas.

*	 Entiende	las	palabras	para	algunas	figuras	geométricas,	como	círculo	y	cuadrado.

*	Says	rhyming	words,	like	hat-cat	and	silly-billy.

4-5 Years
*	 Understands	words	for	order,	like	first, next,	and	last.
*	 Understands	words	for	time,	like	yesterday, today, and	tomorrow.
*	 Follows	longer	directions,	like	"Put	your	pajamas	on,	brush	your	teeth,	and	then	pick	out	a	book."
*	 Follows	classroom	directions,	like	"Draw	a	circle	on	your	paper	around	something	you	eat."

7 meses-1 año

*	 Presta	atención	a	canciones,	rimas	y	cuentos	durante	más	tiempo.

*	Has	a	word	for	familiar	people,	places,	things,	and	actions.

2-3 Years

*	Se	ríe	y	carcajea.
*	Hace	sonidos	para	expresar	placer	o	disgusto.	

*	 Le	presta	atención	durante	un	corto	tiempo	a	las	canciones	y	los	cuentos.

*	Uses	a	lot	of	new	words.

1-2 Years

4-6 meses
*	Gorjea	y	balbucea	cuando	juega	solo	o	con	usted.	
*	Balbucea	usando	sonidos	parecidos	al	habla,	como	pa, ba y	mi.

*	Apunta	a	los	objetos	y	se	los	muestra	a	los	demás.

*	 Se	vuelve	y	le	mira	cuando	lo	llama	por	su	nombre.
*	 Reconoce	los	nombres	de	objetos	y	personas	familiares	como	taza, camión, jugo	y	papá.
*	 Empieza	a	responder	a	preguntas	y	frases	sencillas,	como	"No",	"Ven	acá"	y	"¿Quieres	más?"

1-2 Years

*	 Listens	to	songs	and	stories	for	a	short	time.


*	Se	sonríe	con	los	demás.

4-6 meses

*	Coos	and	babbles	when	playing	alone	or	with	you.	

*	 Moves	eyes	in	direction	of	sounds.

*	Llora	de	distinta	manera	dependiendo	de	sus	necesidades.	

*	 Se	calla	o	se	sonríe	cuando	le	habla.

*	Smiles	at	people.

4-6 Months

*	 Notices	toys	that	make	sounds.

*	Gorjea.

*	 Se	sobresalta	con	los	ruidos	fuertes.

*	Has	different	cries	for	different	needs.	

*	 Seems	to	recognize	your	voice	and	quiets	if	crying.

Nacimiento-3 meses

Nacimiento-3 meses

*	Makes	cooing	sounds.

*	 Startles	to	loud	sounds.
*	 Quiets	or	smiles	when	you	talk.

*	Sabe	decir	las	letras	y	los	números.	
Cada niño se desarrolla a su propio ritmo. Esta	tabla	representa	las	edades	promedio	a	las	que	la	

*	Tells	a	short	story.				

mayoría	de	los	niños	dominan	las	destrezas	descritas.	Es	posible	que	el	niño	no	domine	todas	las	destrezas	
hasta	haber	alcanzado	la	edad	máxima	de	la	escala.

*	Keeps	a	conversation	going.

Si	siente	alguna	preocupación,	no	espere-solicite	la	ayuda	de	un	audiólogo	o	un	patólogo	del	habla	y	el	
lenguaje	certificado	por	ASHA.

*	Talks	in	different	ways	depending	on	the	listener	and	place.	May	use	short	sentences	with		
younger	children	or	talk	louder	outside	than	inside.

*	Usa	oraciones	con	más	de	un	verbo,	como	salta, juega	y	busca.	Es	posible	que	cometa	errores	
como	"El	camión	de	Mateo	está	rompido."
*	Cuenta	cuentos	cortos.		
*	Es	capaz	de	mantener	una	conversación.
*	Habla	de	distinta	manera,	dependiendo	del	oyente	y	el	lugar.	Puede	usar	oraciones	más	cortas	
con	niños	más	chicos	o	hablar	más	alto	afuera	que	adentro.


9001 * 800-638-8255 * 800-638-8255




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ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog

ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
Table of Contents
How Does Your Child Hear and Talk?
2019 ASHA Convention
2019 Calendar of Events
Special Interest Groups
ASHA Professional Development
Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
Autism & Developmental Disorders
Language & Literacy
Multicultural Issues
Neurogenic Speech & Language
Reimbursement & Medicare
School-Based Issues
Service Delivery & Practice Management
Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA Clothing & Gifts
ASHA Scholarly Journals
Value of the CCCs
CE Registry
Identify the Signs
Ordering Information
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover2
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Table of Contents
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 2
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - How Does Your Child Hear and Talk?
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 2019 ASHA Convention
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 2019 Calendar of Events
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Special Interest Groups
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 7
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA Professional Development
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 9
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 11
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 12
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Autism & Developmental Disorders
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 14
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 15
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 16
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 17
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 18
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 19
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 20
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 21
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 22
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Fluency
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 24
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 25
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 26
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Language & Literacy
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 28
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 29
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 30
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 31
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 32
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 33
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 34
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 35
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 36
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 37
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 38
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 39
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Multicultural Issues
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 41
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 42
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 43
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 44
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 45
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 46
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Neurogenic Speech & Language
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 48
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 49
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 50
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 51
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 52
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 53
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 54
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 55
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Reimbursement & Medicare
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 57
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 58
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - School-Based Issues
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ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 61
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ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 64
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 65
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 66
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 67
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Service Delivery & Practice Management
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ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 71
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ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 73
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 74
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 75
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 76
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 77
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 79
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 80
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 81
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 82
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 83
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Swallowing
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ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 92
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 93
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 94
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 95
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 96
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA Clothing & Gifts
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ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 99
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 100
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 101
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 102
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 103
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 104
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 105
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 106
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 107
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 108
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 109
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA Scholarly Journals
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHAWire
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHFoundation
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - CE Registry
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Identify the Signs
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Membership
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Index
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 117
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 118
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 119
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Ordering Information
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - MicroCourses
ASHA 2019 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover4