ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 24

 Pediatric: Swallowing Consumer Education/Publications



Consumer Education-Brochure



Feeding and Swallowing
Problems in Children

Pediatric Swallowing and
Feeding: Assessment and
Management, 3rd Edition

The Source® for Pediatric
Dysphagia, 4th Edition

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

When You
Have Aphasia
in children

This brochure outlines the
causes of feeding and
swallowing issues, and
provides a useful list of
signs to look for in babies
and children.
Item #0220449
1-49 $0.40 each
50+ $0.30 each

Joan C. Arvedson, PhD, CCC-SLP
Linda Brodsky, MD
Maureen A. Lefton-Greif, PhD,
(Publisher: Plural Publishing)

Provides practical
information for clinicians
seeing children with
swallowing and feeding
disorders. This edition
stresses the need for team
approaches and documents
the use of "virtual" teams.
Case studies throughout
the book provide examples
for decision making and
highlight key points.
602 pages, softcover

Nancy B. Swigert, PhD, CCC-SLP
(Publisher: PRO-ED)

A practical resource that
gives you an evidencebased working knowledge
of the evaluation and
treatment of dysphagia
plus tools to organize your
dysphagia services. It is
filled with need-to-know
information and patient/
staff education materials
that busy clinicians can use
every day.
256 pages, softcover, online
*Item #0113754
$55 list price
$49.50 ASHA member

*Item #0113744
$99.95 list price
$89.95 ASHA member

*ASHA offers these products as a convenience. Inclusion in ASHA promotional material does not imply ASHA endorsement of any
publisher, author, product, program, viewpoint, or technique. Prices are subject to change.

24   888-498-6699

ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog

ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
Table of Contents
Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with children
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Autism & Developmental Disorders
Language & Literacy
Multicultural Issues
Neurogenic Speech & Language
School-based Issues
Speech & Voice Disorders
Resources for Families
Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with adults
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Autism & Developmental Disorders
Neurogenic Speech & Language
Speech & Voice Disorders
Service delivery for SLPs who work with clients, students and patients of any age
ASHA Clothing & Gifts
Ordering information
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover2
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A1
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A2
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A4
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A5
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A6
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Table of Contents
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A8
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with children
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Autism & Developmental Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 4
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 5
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Fluency
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Language & Literacy
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 8
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 9
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 10
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 11
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 12
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 13
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Multicultural Issues
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Neurogenic Speech & Language
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 16
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 17
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - School-based Issues
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 19
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 20
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 21
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 23
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Swallowing
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Resources for Families
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 26
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 27
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 28
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with adults
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Autism & Developmental Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Fluency
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Neurogenic Speech & Language
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 33
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 34
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 35
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 36
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 37
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 39
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Swallowing
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 41
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 42
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Service delivery for SLPs who work with clients, students and patients of any age
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 44
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 45
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 46
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 47
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 48
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 49
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA Clothing & Gifts
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 52
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 61
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 62
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Ordering information
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 64
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover4