ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 27
Consumer Education Pediatric: Resources for Families
Do you have questions or concerns about your
child's speech and language development?
Contact a speech-language pathologist, also
called an SLP. Don't wait to get help for your
child. Getting help early can make a difference.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Let's Get
Ready to
Read and Write
Look for an SLP who has the Certificate of Clinical
Competence (CCC) from the American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association (ASHA). ASHAcertified SLPs have "CCC-SLP" after their name.
on the
A qualified SLP
* has a master's or doctoral degree;
* has a state license or teacher certification-each
state has different requirements; and
* participates in continuing education activities.
6 Months - 1 Year
Go to to find an ASHAcertified SLP near you. Or, call your local public
school and ask for the "Child Find" program.
Birth - 6 Months
Finding an SLP
For more information, contact
1 -2 Year
Dorothy P. Dougherty, MA, CCC-SLP
Diane R. Paul, PhD, CCC-SLP
2200 Research Boulevard Rockville, MD 20850
800-638-8255 (TTY) 301-296-5650
12131 ©ASHA
Consumer Education-Brochure
Consumer Education-Book
Consumer Education-Book
Let's Get Ready to Read
and Write Brochure
Talking on the Go
Beyond Baby Talk From
Speaking to Spelling: A
Guide to Language and
Literacy Development for
Parents and Caregivers,
Second Edition
Targeted to parents,
caregivers, and family
members of children ranging
in age from birth to 5 years,
this brochure contains lists
of helpful ideas to promote
reading and writing-as well
as a checklist of important
milestones at every age.
English Item #0220478
Spanish Item #0220479
1-49 $0.40 each
50+ $0.30 each
para leer y escribir
Let's Get Ready
to Read and Write
Comprender palabras y hablar son habilidades lingüísticas que preparan a los niños para leer y escribir. Esta lista muestra
las edades promedio en las que la mayoría de los niños desarrollan las primeras destrezas de lenguaje, lectura y escritura.
Los niños aprenden a su propio ritmo. Es posible que el niño no demuestre todas las destrezas a la edad indicada en la lista.
Preparación para la lectura
Nacimiento-6 meses
A los 2 años
Understanding words and talking are
* Hace
garabatos skills that get children ready to read and write. This chart shows the
age range when most children develop
A losearly
3 añoslanguage, reading, and writing skills. Children learn at their own pace.
o garabateando
Your child may not have every skill at* Escribe
the age
7 meses-1 año
Preparación para la escritura
* Sujeta un marcador o un crayón grande
Reconoce su voz
* Se calla o se sonríe cuando le habla
* Le gusta que le hable y le lea
* Traza círculos y líneas onduladas
Mira libros con usted
* Escucha durante corto tiempo cuando le cuenta cuentos
* Mira las ilustraciones de los libros cuando se las nombra
* Le da libros para que le lea
* Es posible que diga sonidos cuando le lee
* Presiona las teclas de un teclado
* Es posible que haga un garabato y luego pregunte "¿Qué quiere decir
Getting Ready for Reading
Getting Ready for Writing
* Le cuenta lo que ha escrito
Birth-6 months
A los 2 años
A los 4 años
By 2 Years
* Recognizes
your voice.
Vuelve las páginas de un libro y es posible que vuelva más de una
a la vez
* Quiets or smiles when you talk.
* Apunta a las ilustraciones de los libros cuando se las nombra * Likes to hear you talk and read.
* Traza líneas que pueden parecer letras
* Holds a large marker or crayon.
* Dibuja y es posible que escriba sobre el dibujo usando letras
* Scribbles.
* Canta junto con usted canciones sencillas
* Dice sonidos o palabras al mirar libros ilustrados
* Nombra algunas de las ilustraciones de los libros
* Pide libros y que le cuenten cuentos
* Escribe letras y números de mentiritas
* Draws wavy lines and circles.
* Escribe algunas letras en letra de molde, como A, E y L
7 Months-1 Year
A los 5 años
By 3 Years
* Writes by drawing and scribbling.
* Looks at books with you.
* Listens to stories for a short time.
* Pushes keys on a keyboard.
* Copias líneas o figuras sencillas, como círculos o cuadrados
* Looks at pictures in books when you name them.
* May scribble and then ask, "What does this say?"
* Empieza a escribir por un motivo específico, como hacer una lista
A los 3 años
* May give you books.
* Tells
* Es posible que escriba una letra o una palabra para indicar
ideathey wrote.
* Le gusta que le lea los mismos libros una y otra vez
* May make sounds when you read.
u oración
By 4 Years
* Le gustan los libros que repiten palabras y frases
By 2 Years
* Aprende a escribir su nombre en letra de molde
* Sabe cómo sujetar y abrir los libros
* Draws lines that may look like letters.
* Turns pages in a book. May turn more than one page at a*time.
Es posible que escriba las letras fuera de orden, como "Az Eds mu"
* Vuelve las páginas de una en una
* Draws pictures. May write about them with pretend letters.
* Points to pictures in books when you name them.
* Sabe que los libros tienen un frente y un dorso
By 5 Years
* Sings along with simple songs.
* Sabe la dirección de las palabras en los libros, de izquierda a derecha
* Says sounds or words when looking at picture books.
* Writes pretend letters and numbers.
en español
* Prints some letters like A, E, and L.
* Apunta a muchas de las ilustraciones de los libros y las nombra * Names some pictures in books.
* Asks for stories and books.
* Copies simple lines or shapes, like circles or squares.
* Le gustan los libros con rimas
* Ve y escucha libros en tabletas y computadoras
* Presta atención a cuentos y libros más largos
By 3 Years
* Enjoys when you read the same books over and over again.
* Likes books that repeat words and phrases.
A los 4 años
* Knows how to hold and open books.
* Le gusta decir palabras que riman (pato-gato, beso-queso)
Para información adicional,
* Turns pages one at a time.
* Dice palabras que ve en letreros, envases de alimentos y restaurantes
comunicarse con:
* Knows
that books have a front and back.
* Hace como que lee sujetando libros, pasando las páginas y diciendo
* Knows
* Le gusta decir palabras que comienzan con el mismo sonido (mamá,
más,the direction of words in books-left to right in English.
* Points to and names many pictures in books.
* Enjoys books with rhymes.
* Es capaz de reconocer algunas palabras impresas
* Watches and listens to books on tablets and computers.
A los 5 años
* Listens to longer stories and books.
2200 Research Boulevard
* Apunta a las palabras en los libros y pregunta qué dicen
Rockville, MD 20850
* Entiende que le están leyendo las palabras y no sólo hablando deBy
las 4 Years
* Enjoys saying rhyming words (bat-cat, run-fun).
800-638-8255 (TTY)
* Puede señalar el principio y el final de una palabra
* Says words on street signs, food boxes, and restaurants. 301-296-5650
* Hace como que lee contando el cuento de memoria
* Pretends to read by holding books, turning pages, and saying words.
* Apunta a algunas de las letras en la página cuando se le dice la letra
o el sonido
* Enjoys
saying words that start with the same sound (big, book,
* Identifica las sílabas de una palabra dando golpecitos o contándolas
* May recognize some printed words.
* Dice los sonidos de algunas letras, como "buh" para B y "sssss" para S
By 5 Years
* Indica el primer sonido de las palabras, como "l" para leche
* Points to words in books and asks about them. Understands that you
* Es posible que lea algunas palabras
are reading words and not just talking about pictures.
* Can point to the start and the end of a word.
* Pretends to read by telling the story from memory.
* Points to some letters on a page when you say the letter or the sound.
* Taps or counts syllables in a word.
* Says the sounds for some letters, like "buh" for B and "sssss" for S.
* Tells you the first sound in words, like "mmm" for milk.
* May read some words.
* Begins to write for a reason, like making a list.
* May write one letter or word to stand for a whole sentence or idea.
* Learns to print first name.
* May write or type letters in no set order, like "Mu zEos lx".
For more information, contact:
2200 Research Boulevard * Rockville, MD 20850
800-638-8255 (TTY) * 301-296-5650 *
Consumer Education-Poster
Let's Get Ready to Read
and Write Poster
18" × 24"
English Item #0113602
Spanish Item #0113603
$9 ASHA member
$13 nonmember
Dorothy P. Dougherty, MA,
Diane R. Paul, PhD, CCC-SLP
(Publisher: ASHA)
Packed full of everyday
activities to enhance speech
and language development
in four major areas:
* building vocabulary
* listening and speech
* reading and writing
* participation in
Spiral-bound book (includes
a pull-out poster and eBook
with printable pages)
Item #0113630
$24 ASHA member
$29 nonmember
Item WEB15223
$19 ASHA member
$25 nonmember
Kenn Apel, PhD, CCC-SLP
Julie J. Masterson, PhD,
(Publisher: Three Rivers Press
and ASHA)
Highlights all of the
checkpoints to gauge a
child's progress, as well as
methods to:
* evaluate and monitor
spoken language
* enhance literacy skills
for improved spelling,
reading, and writing
* understand and navigate
environmental influences
on language development
* recognize the signs of
language and literacy
progress problems-and
know when to seek
professional help
304 pages, softcover
Item #0113291
$13.50 ASHA member
$15.00 nonmember 888-498-6699 27
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
Table of Contents
Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with children
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Autism & Developmental Disorders
Language & Literacy
Multicultural Issues
Neurogenic Speech & Language
School-based Issues
Speech & Voice Disorders
Resources for Families
Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with adults
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Autism & Developmental Disorders
Neurogenic Speech & Language
Speech & Voice Disorders
Service delivery for SLPs who work with clients, students and patients of any age
ASHA Clothing & Gifts
Ordering information
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover2
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A1
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A2
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A4
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A5
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A6
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Table of Contents
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A8
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with children
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Autism & Developmental Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 4
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 5
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Fluency
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Language & Literacy
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 8
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 9
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 10
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 11
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 12
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 13
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Multicultural Issues
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Neurogenic Speech & Language
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 16
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 17
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - School-based Issues
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 19
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 20
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 21
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 23
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Swallowing
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Resources for Families
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 26
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 27
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 28
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with adults
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Autism & Developmental Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Fluency
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Neurogenic Speech & Language
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 33
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 34
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 35
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 36
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 37
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 39
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Swallowing
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 41
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 42
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Service delivery for SLPs who work with clients, students and patients of any age
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 44
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 45
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 46
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 47
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 48
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 49
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA Clothing & Gifts
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 51
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 55
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 59
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 60
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 61
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Ordering information
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover4