ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 37

Publications Adult: Neurogenic 

Publications-Assessment Tool

Publications-Assessment Tool

Publications-Assessment Tool

Scales of Cognitive and
Communicative Ability
for Neurorehabilitation

Functional Assessment of
Communication Skills for
Adults (ASHA FACS)

Quality of
Communication Life
Scale (ASHA QCL)

Carol M. Frattali, PhD
Cynthia K. Thompson, PhD
Audrey L. Holland, PhD
Cheryl Wohl
Carol J. Wenck
Sarah C. Slater
Diane Paul, PhD, CCC-SLP
(Publisher: ASHA)

Diane R. Paul, PhD, CCC-SLP
Carol M. Frattali, PhD
Audrey L. Holland, PhD
Cynthia K. Thompson, PhD
Carol J. Caperton
Sarah C. Slater
(Publisher: ASHA)

Lisa H. Milman, PhD, CCC-SLP
Audrey L. Holland, PhD,
(Publisher: PRO-ED)

Allows SLPs to assess
deficits and functional ability
in patients in rehabilitation
hospitals, clinics, and
skilled nursing facilities. It
provides a measure of both
impairment and functional
ability, and can be
administered in 30 minutes.
Examiner's Manual, Stimulus
Book, 25 Examiner Record
Booklets, 25 Written
Response Booklets, and 25
Report Summary Forms.
*Item #0113453
$277 list price
$249 ASHA member
*ASHA offers these products as a
convenience. Inclusion in ASHA
promotional material does not imply
ASHA endorsement of any publisher,
author, product, program, viewpoint, or
technique. Prices are subject to change.

The ASHA FACS helps you
to measure the functional
communication of adults
with speech, language, and
The measure comprises 43
items across four domains:
Social Communication,
Communication of Basic
Needs, Reading/Writing/
Number Concepts, and
Daily Planning.

Provides information
about the psychosocial,
vocational, and educational
effects of communication
impairment. It can be used
to assist with treatment
planning, prioritization of
goals, counseling, and
documentation of outcomes.
Item #0112697
$99 ASHA member
$112 ASHA certified

Item #0113595
$124 ASHA member
$165 ASHA certified
nonmember   888-498-6699 37

ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog

ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
Table of Contents
Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with children
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Autism & Developmental Disorders
Language & Literacy
Multicultural Issues
Neurogenic Speech & Language
School-based Issues
Speech & Voice Disorders
Resources for Families
Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with adults
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Autism & Developmental Disorders
Neurogenic Speech & Language
Speech & Voice Disorders
Service delivery for SLPs who work with clients, students and patients of any age
ASHA Clothing & Gifts
Ordering information
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover2
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A1
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A2
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A4
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A5
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A6
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Table of Contents
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A8
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with children
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Autism & Developmental Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 4
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 5
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Fluency
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Language & Literacy
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 8
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 9
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 10
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 11
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 12
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 13
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Multicultural Issues
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Neurogenic Speech & Language
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 16
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 17
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - School-based Issues
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 19
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 20
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 21
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 23
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Swallowing
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Resources for Families
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 26
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 27
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 28
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with adults
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Autism & Developmental Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Fluency
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Neurogenic Speech & Language
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 33
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 34
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 35
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 36
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 37
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 39
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Swallowing
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 41
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 42
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Service delivery for SLPs who work with clients, students and patients of any age
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 44
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 45
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 46
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 47
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 48
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 49
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA Clothing & Gifts
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Ordering information
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 64
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover4