ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 39
Publications/Consumer Education Adult: Speech & Voice Disorders
Publications-Assessment Tools
Transforming Voice and
Communication with
Transgender and GenderDiverse People: An
Evidence-Based Process
Dynamic Evaluation
of Motor Speech Skills
(DEMSS) Manual
Voice Therapy: Clinical
Case Studies 5th edition
Adrienne B. Hancock, PhD,
Linda L. Siegfriedt, MED,
(Publisher: Plural Publishing)
This book is written for SLPs
who are guiding transgender
and gender-diverse people
through communication
transformations. It follows a
chronological progression,
acknowledging all gender
presentations throughout.
The authors emphasize
a client-centered process
through case examples
illustrating each step.
Edythe A. Strand, PhD, CCC-SLP
Rebecca J. McCauley, PhD,
(Publisher: Brookes Publishing)
A criterion-referenced
assessment designed
to help with differential
diagnosis of speech sound
disorders in children with
severely impaired speech
142 pages, softcover, access
to video tutorial and
downloadable forms.
*Item #0113743
$149.95 list price
$134.95 ASHA member
Joseph C. Stemple, PhD,
Edie R. Hapner, PhD, CC-SLP
(Publisher: Plural Publishing)
Provides the working
clinician with a broad
sampling of management
strategies as presented
in clinical case studies.
The book addresses
assessment, management,
and treatment/therapy
approaches for a range of
voice disorders as well as for
muscle tension dysphonia,
glottal incompetence and
neurogenic disorders, and
professional voice care.
508 pages, softcover
*Item #0113751
$114.95 list price
$103.45 ASHA member
*Item #0113752
$89.95 list price
$80.95 ASHA member
Consumer Education-Brochure
¿Dónde puedo encontrar un
patólogo del habla y el lenguaje?
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Where can I find an SLP?
Look for an SLP who has earned the
Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC)
from the American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association (ASHA). ASHA-certified SLPs
have "CCC-SLP" after their name.
Consulte a un patólogo del habla y el lenguaje
(también llamado en español logopeda,
terapeuta del habla, foniatra o fonoaudiólogo)
que haya obtenido el Certificado de
Competencia Clínica (CCC) de la Asociación
Americana del Habla, Lenguaje y Audición
(ASHA, por sus siglas en inglés). Los
patólogos del habla y el lenguaje certificados
por ASHA tienen las letras "CCC-SLP"
después de su nombre.
Your Voice
An ASHA-Certified SLP...
* Has a master's or doctoral degree
* Passed a national exam
* Completed a supervised fellowship/
El patólogo del habla y el
lenguaje certificado por ASHA...
* Participates in continuing education
Visit to find an
ASHA-certified SLP near you.
"Yo hablo todo el día en el aula.
Después de la escuela, mi voz se
sentía cansada y me dolía la garganta.
La terapia de voz me ayudó a usar los
músculos correctos al hablar. Ahora
planeo descansos de la voz durante
el día, bebo mucha agua y hago
ejercicios de calentamiento de la voz
* Tiene un título de maestría o de
* Ha aprobado un examen nacional
* Ha completado trabajo supervisado de
becario o de práctica profesional
* Participa continuamente en actividades de
capacitación profesional
Visite para hallar un
patólogo del habla y el lenguaje certificado por
ASHA en su zona.
For more information, contact
en el auto. ¡Puedo trabajar todo el
día y luego salir a comer con mis
Para información adicional, comuníquese con
amistades y conversar de sobremesa
sin problema alguno!"
2200 Research Boulevard * Rockville, MD 20850
800-638-8255 * (TTY) 301-296-5650 *
25229 © ASHA
2200 Research Boulevard * Rockville, MD 20850
800-638-8255 * (TTY) 301-296-5650 *
25229 © ASHA
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
La Voz
Your Voice
This brochure explains how the voice works; what a voice disorder
sounds like; and the most common causes. It explains how SLPs can
help with voice disorders, and offers tips for maintaining a healthy voice.
English Item #0220482
1-49 $0.40 each
50+ $0.30 each
Spanish Item #0220483 888-498-6699 39
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
Table of Contents
Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with children
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Autism & Developmental Disorders
Language & Literacy
Multicultural Issues
Neurogenic Speech & Language
School-based Issues
Speech & Voice Disorders
Resources for Families
Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with adults
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Autism & Developmental Disorders
Neurogenic Speech & Language
Speech & Voice Disorders
Service delivery for SLPs who work with clients, students and patients of any age
ASHA Clothing & Gifts
Ordering information
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover2
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A1
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A2
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A4
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A5
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A6
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Table of Contents
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - A8
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with children
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Autism & Developmental Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 4
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 5
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Fluency
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Language & Literacy
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 8
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 9
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 10
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 11
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 12
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 13
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Multicultural Issues
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Neurogenic Speech & Language
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 16
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 17
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - School-based Issues
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 19
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 20
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 21
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 23
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Swallowing
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Resources for Families
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 26
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 27
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 28
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Clinical continuing education and other resources for SLPs who work with adults
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Autism & Developmental Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Fluency
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Neurogenic Speech & Language
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 33
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Speech & Voice Disorders
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - 39
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Swallowing
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Service delivery for SLPs who work with clients, students and patients of any age
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - ASHA Clothing & Gifts
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Ordering information
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ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover3
ASHA 2020 Speech-Language Pathology Catalog - Cover4