The ASHA Leader - August 11, 2009 - (Page 41)
Board of Directors Approves Dues Change for 2010 by Robert Augustine and Christopher Walker s ASHA volunteer leaders with a significant investment of personal time and energy in helping to see that ASHA’s financial house is in order, we are pleased to report that ASHA is weathering this economic downturn. Although increasing non-dues revenue. As you may know, 40% of ASHA’s income comes from non-dues sources, and as you can imagine, many of these sources have taken a hit this year. In addition, although we have been able to manage spending carefully in the last five years, this decrease in non-dues revenue, five years of inflation, Even with this dues increase, ASHA’s and increased demand for member services have finally caught up dues remain well below dues of with us. The combination of all comparable organizations. of these factors has led us to the conclusion that we must raise dues 2009 continues to be a challenge to in 2010. ASHA, just like it is to many members, We can assure you that the deciwe are confident that the association sion to increase member dues by $25 will come through this year financially was made with careful consideration. strong. However, the driving force behind the That’s the good news about 2009. Financial Planning Board’s recomHowever, it is clear that spending cuts mendation and the Board of Directors’ and revenue enhancements in the next decision was our certainty about two several years will no longer suffice guiding principles: We do not want to to ensure that ASHA will continue to decrease member services nor threaten maintain its financial health. any of the gains we’ve made in our Our association has managed to discipline; The value our association hold dues flat for five years by careprovides to members is far in excess of fully controlling costs and steadily the dues we pay. Even with this dues increase, ASHA’s dues remain well below dues of comparable organizations, and ASHA’s value to members continues to increase. An increase at this time is not an easy decision, but it is important that your volunteer leaders take a longer view. We believe that this dues increase is necessary, appropriate, and important to both the financial health and the effectiveness of ASHA to meet your needs in the years ahead. Robert Augustine, PhD, CCC-SLP, is ASHA’s vice president for finance. Christopher Walker, PhD, CCC-SLP, is chair of ASHA’s Financial Planning Board. OAEs Say “Hello” to Tympanometry Maico EroScan Pro is the ONLY handheld OAE-TYMP combination testing device in the world! TM Positions Open on ASHA Committees Nominations Accepted Aug. 11–28 T • • • • he nomination period for the following committees/boards is open Aug. 11–28: Committee on Honors Committee on Nominations and Elections Financial Planning Board Government Relations and Public Policy Board • 220 Hz and 1000 Hz probe tone • OAE and Tympanometry are completed in as little as 20 seconds • Sequenced protocols permit a full test battery • Diagnostic or Screening Protocols • Results displayed as Pass or Refer • Trained staff can perform the test • Guaranteed on site training Detailed information about these committees, including charge and eligibility requirements, can be found at CallforNoms_Cmtes-Bds. Nomination Procedures Nominators and nominees must be ASHA members in good standing. Nominators should adhere to the following procedures: • Obtain consent of the nominee (required). • E-mail nominations to by noon EDT, Aug. 28, 2009. • Copy the nominee(s) on the nomination. • Put “Committee Nomination” in the subject line. • Include the following information in the body of the e-mail: your name, your ASHA Member ID, name of the nominee(s), city and state of the nominee(s), and committee(s) and/or board(s) for which the member is being nominated. Incomplete nominations will not be considered. If you are interested in a board or committee position or know a colleague who is, submit a nomination today! Call your Maico Special Instrument Dealer for an on-site demonstration. MAICO DIAGNOSTICS 7625 Golden Triangle Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Tel: 888-941-4201 Fax: 952-903-4100 EXCELLENCE IN HEARING SCREENING August 11, 2009
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ASHA Leader - August 11, 2009
The ASHA Leader - August 11, 2009
Four Members Elected to Board of Directors
Readers Respond
Congress Begins Health Care Reform Debate
Medicare Private Practice Poses Concerns for Some SLPs
Custom Fit Your Marketing
Personal Music Players
From the President
Convention Preview
2010 Dues Change
Ethics in Private Practice
Missouri SLPs Win on School Retirement Issue
A Deluge of Human Kindness
First Person on the Last Page
The ASHA Leader - August 11, 2009