Why Roll the Dice? Measure and Control Outdoor Air Ventilation! Dilution ventilation control has been shown to be an effective strategy for reducing the risk of dissemination of infectious aerosols and other contaminants in buildings to create healthy indoor environments. EBTRON's NIST traceable Thermal Dispersion high-performance airflow measurement devices have better turndown, accuracy, and repeatability. Verify that at least ASHRAE 62.1-2019 ventilation rates are maintained Control ventilation rates when supply fan reduces flow during part load conditions Validate actual ventilation rates: CO2 is an indicator that has many variables, it does not measure airflow Actuator feedback provides position, not the airflow rate through a damper Measure air change rates in and out of the building and at the zone level Track airflows for building pressurization and directional airflow between zones ® EBTRON, Inc. 1663 HWY 701 S., Loris, S.C. 29569 a measurable difference! www.EBTRON.com Phone: 800 2 EBTRON E-mail: sales@ebtron.comhttp://www.EBTRON.com