" Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is signifi cant and should be controlled. Changes to building operations, including the operation of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems, can reduce airborne exposures. " - ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force Building Re-Opening Guidance Airfl ow Measurement Device's role in minimizing airborne pathogens Air Distribution: * Ensure and maintain air change rates in ventilation zone or individual spaces * Verify and control compartmental pressurization and directional airfl ows System Commissioning: * Validate operation of outdoor air intake components and sequences * Provide ongoing commissioning, fault detection, and correction Ventilation: * Confi rm and maintain required minimum outdoor air ventilation rates Building Readiness: * Setup and control to a normal or pandemic mode measured airfl ow rate Building or Space Outdoor Air Flush: * Track intake and exhaust rates to accomplish three air changes Energy Savings: * Prevent energy strategies from reducing ventilation rates below current population * Limit over-ventilation or conditions that may create infi ltration ® EBTRON, Inc. 1663 HWY 701 S., Loris, S.C. 29569 a measurable difference! www.EBTRON.com Phone: 800 2 EBTRON E-mail: sales@ebtron.com HAVE YOU DONE YOUR HOMEWORK?http://www.EBTRON.com