ELECTRIC HEAT & VENTILATION PRODUCTS HEAVY DUTY WALL HEATERS 3340 Series * In-built disconnect * Single point power connection * 1 or 3-phase models in selected voltages * Manual reset thermal limit switch * Automatic fan delay circuit * 3RZHU FRDWHGJDXJH JULOO ZLWK H[WUXGHG DOXPLQLXP IUDPH * Supplied in Bankers Bronze or white standard colors * Optional thermostat, surface mounting frame, relay interface for BMS System * 9ROWDJH RSWLRQV999 RU9 PRGHOV RSHUDWH DW RU :DWWV HEAVY DUTY CEILING HEATERS 3340 Series * Dual vane axial fan blades * Lockable disconnect switch * Automatic purge * Manual reset thermal limit * Low voltage control ȏ 6WHHO EORFNQ HOHPHQWV * Optional built-in thermostat with 40° - 110°F range ȏ +HDY\ GXW\JDXJH SRZGHU FRDWHG JULOOH * Extruded aluminium trim frame, no visible screws * Rough in dimensions 30-1⁄2 " ZLGH [1⁄2 " KLJK [ȋ GHHS ȏ :KHQ RUGHUHG ZLWKRXW WKHUPRVWDW WHUPLQDO EORFN LQFOXGHG IRUHOG connection of remote low voltage single stage thermostat ȏ 0RGHOV RHUHG ZLWK %06 UHOD\UHOD\ UHTXLUHVHOG VXSSOLHG9 VRXUFH *NEW* 325-WATT 34 " COVE HEATER CVX Series &9; FRYH KHDWHUV SHUIRUP D WZRIROG IXQFWLRQ (1) focus the infrared rays and (2) directs the heat downward along cold perimeters and toward the center of the room. 7KH VDZWRRWK VXUIDFH GHVLJQ LQFUHDVHV WKH UDGLDWLQJ VXUIDFH DUHD E\ WKHUHE\ increasing the comfort level of the room faster and ensuring more rapid recovery from heat losses. * 0RGHOV DYDLODEOH LQ999 DQG9 * $GGLWLRQDO OHQJWKV RHUHGȋȋȋȋȋȋ DQGȋ *NEW* FAN FORCED UNIT HEATER UHE Series * Single pole in-built thermostat and a wall/ceiling hanger bracket is supplied * N: N: KRUL]RQWDO GLVFKDUJH VXVSHQGHG IDQ IRUFHG KHDWHUV * $YDLODEOH LQ RUSKDVH IRU DOO YROWDJHV IURP9 WR9 * $OO XQLWV HTXLSSHG ZLWK DXWRPDWLF UHVHW W\SH OLPLW FRQWURO WR de-energize heater if an overheat should occur * Totally enclosed, permanently lubricated, thermally protected motors with unit bearings on 3kW to 10kW models and sleeve bearings on N: WRN: PRGHOV PRXQWHG ZLWK UXEEHU LQVXODWRUV WR PLQLPL]H vibration and noise www.tpicorp.com | productsearch.tpicorp.com | 1-800-682-3398 S7123 « PRODUCT NEW «PRODUCT NEWhttp://www.tpicorp.com http://productsearch.tpicorp.com