BOOTH S7746 PACKAGED boilers MasterSpec® allows designers, architects, and engineers to select expertly written specifi cation content for thousands of products without having to waste time writing detailed explanations that already exist. Subscribers to MasterSpec® can pick and choose the Basis of Design content and documentation needed for their project and accelerate the process with Hurst Boiler on MasterSpec®. In order to help designers with a specifi cation description that fully explains our products and how they should be installed, among other details, Hurst has included complete product specifi cation entries encompassing a broad spectrum of our Fire-tube Boiler Product Line. The AIA section, 235239 Fire-Tube Boilers, will now help designers quickly add necessary descriptions, specs and easily access CAD fi les and PDF drawings when specifying Hurst's products, providing them with a tool that saves them time and money. When working with an engineer or architect over the phone we can now say: " Just let me send you my MasterSpec "