100% Dedicated...to Outdoor Air Systems Improving indoor air quality with our growing line of rooftop ventilation units. ■ ENERGY-EFFICIENT ■ SIMPLE, EASY START-UP ■ EXPANDED CAPACITIES ■ MORE SIZES NEW Model RV-110 Model RV-75 on indirect gas heat for modulating furnace control ■ Standard low sound condenser fans and optional modulating head pressure control ■ Ideal for schools, hotels, offices, condos and assisted living facilities FANS | ENERGY RECOVERY | Greenheck's new DOAS models, RV-75 and RVE-150 (with energy recovery), offer up to 16,000 cfm with up to 50 tons of packaged cooling and 1200 mbh of indirect gas heat for high percentage and 100% outdoor air systems. Along with models RV-110 and RVE-180 with up to 18,000 cfm and up to 70 tons of packaged cooling, our growing DOAS line offers more performance options to meet your applications. PACKAGED VENTILATION LEARN MORE AND FIND YOUR GREENHECK REP | MAKE-UP AIR | KITCHEN VENTILATION greenheck.com © 2021 Greenheck ■ Up to 16:1 turndown Factory-programmed microprocessor controller for easy and precise operation. Inverter or digital compressor option for tight temperature and humidity control. | LAB EXHAUST | DAMPERS | LOUVERS | COILShttp://www.greenheck.com