TECHNICAL FEATURE FIGURE 1 Economizer diagram.1 Mixed Air (MA) FIGURE 2 Test setup from ASHRAE Research Report RP-1045.5 Atmospheric Pressure Supply Air Cooling Coil Fan (CC) (SAF) Supply Air (SA) Outdoor Air (OA) Filter (F) OA Damper 1 18 16 in. 3 54 16 in. 12 in. Heating Coil (HC) Airfl Recirculated Air (CA) 5 22 8 in. ow RA Damper Dampers (D) Exhaust Air (EA) 7 67 8 in. 38 in. Return Air (RA) 144 in. 117 in. Return Air Fan (RAF) lead to coil freezing.2 The other effect of poor mixing is causing the economizer controls to operate to the detriment of system efficiency since the sensors are sensing nonrepresentative conditions.3 ASHRAE Standard 90.1-20194 makes recommendations for the high limit settings in various climate regions, but this assumes a representative mixed air temperature is sensed. Several CFD simulations were run to calibrate the CFD model to test data published in ASHRAE Research Report RP-1045, " Verifying Mixed Air Damper Temperature Control and Air Mixing Characteristics. " by Finaish, et al.5 The report tested a wide range of mixing box configurations and damper sizes, so a single test configuration was chosen that was close in size and configuration to a commercially available mixing box for use with a 20 ton (70 kW) to 25 ton (87.5 kW) air handler. The test setup is shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the commercial mixing box product. The test data available is for a flow rate of 16,000 cfm (7551 L/s) at 15% outdoor air (OA) and 30% OA. This paper focuses on the 30% OA case. The steps used to proceed from the validated CFD simulation against test data of the setup in Figure 2 to the commercial product in Figure 3 were as follows: 1. Adjust the CFD model of dimensions in Figure 2 to match test data within 10% including a mesh sensitivity study. 2. Make the return air (RA) damper the same size as the outdoor air (OA) damper, changing it from 54.2 in. × 18.2 in. (1377 mm × 462 mm) to 67.9 in. × 22.6 in. (1725 mm × 574 mm). 3. Change the box size to that shown in Figure 3 (90.5 in. × 28.375 in. [2299 mm × 721 mm]). FIGURE 3 Commercially available 20 ton to 25 ton mixing box. 6 38 in. 88 in. 33 3 in. 4 24 in. 8 in. 90 12 in. 28 38 in. 4. Change the RA and the OA damper size to that shown in Figure 3 (24 in. × 88 in. [610 mm × 2235 mm]). 5. Drop the total flow to 10,000 cfm (4719 L/s) to match the 25 ton (87.5 kW) rating. Mixing effectiveness was described in the ASHRAE Research Report5 as both range effectiveness and thermal statistical mixing effectiveness. Robinson6 has defined range effectiveness as: RangeDS ERange = 1 − × 100% RangeUS (1) where RangeDS = (Tmax - Tmin )Downstream RangeUS = (Tmax - Tmin )Upstream And statistical effectiveness as: SD EStatistical = 1 − DS × 100% SDUS (2) where SDDS = Temperature standard deviation downstream of the mixing device SDUS = Temperature standard deviation upstream of the mixing device D ECEM BER 2020 ASHRAE JOURNAL 23