NOW, GIVING YOUR CUSTOMERS MORE BEGINS WITH INSTALLING LESS. Delivering more fl exibility and power in less space! 6, 8 Ton 12, 14, 16 Ton Get the ultimate in comfort integration with a high-capacity unifi ed platform, for commercial and light commercial applications. * Expanded outdoor unit capacity, from 6 to 36 Ton * Larger single module outdoor units - up to 16 Ton * Up to 26% less space with larger single module outdoor units * Both Heat Pump and Heat Recovery operation available from one unit * Increased number of connectable indoor units * Extended ambient air temperature operating range from -15°F to 126°F * Intelligent refrigerant control optimizes individual zone comfort Unifi ed VRF outdoor units allow for heat pump or heat recovery operation for the ultimate in application fl exibility. nifi ed VRF outdoor units Learn more about the advantages of the AIRSTAGE VU-V Visit fujitsugeneral.com